Chapter 03 | Love of your life

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Recap ~

It was already eight that night when they reached the campfire in Pavana lake, Lonavala. They settled themselves taking two large tents for the night. As it was very late for a swimming session at the lake, the gang decided to attend the campfire.

Soon they finished their dinner and took one corner at the campfire. There were so many youngsters just like them who were enjoying their night with their kith and kin. Just then the camp in-charge spoke up, "Hey Guys! Hope you are all enjoying your night. So let's have some fun tonight by playing an interesting game." Saying he explained a game where everyone would be given chits which would contain some task or the other and they would have to do when their turn came in.

"Let's begin!" The camp in-charge exclaimed in excitement when Shivaay told his friends, "I'm done. I can't stay and play such pointless games! I'm going to sleep."
"Shivaay please!" Mallika pleaded her best friend to stay when he sternly told a no.
Anika, very much irritated with him spoke then, "Mallika why do you want to force such a boring person?! Leave yaar. We will enjoy!" she finished saying when Shivaay enunciated very much angry, "I'm staying back."

"How dare she says I'm boring? Who is she to point me out, she just insulted me! Ms.Mehra I, Shivaay Singh Oberoi for sure will return this back with interest." he thought to himself controlling his anger.

"You are the only one who can convince Shivaay Anu" The girls said to her still giggling when Anika lost herself.


"Anu please please please tell Shivaay to attend the tour with us?!" Her gang members asked her when she asked back, "Why won't he attend?! Just because of that professor he hates?!"
"Yeah! Such an irritating woman she is. None of us like her much but we can adjust right! Our end goal is only to enjoy there na." Rudra said when everyone accepted the fact.
"But guys Shivaay won't listen to anyone!" Anika told sighing when they spoke in unison, "You try Anu! We all did speak but he didn't listen."

Accepting their request, she met Shivaay who was busy playing with his phone at one of the corridors in their class room block.
"Shivaay!" called out Anika to him and he spoke without even looking at her, "Anika if you are asking me to come to that tour then it's better you don't talk about it. I'm not changing my decision."

"Oh God Shivaay! I just don't want to go to that tour as well. That Babita ma'am is seriously very irritating, I can't tolerate her nonsense!" She exclaimed in irritation when Shivaay looked at her saying, "Exactly. This is what I'm trying to tell."
"Thank God you are not going too!" She said giving hi-Fi to him.

"But I-I don't want to hurt our friends! They were already very dull when they heard you are not coming. Now even if I don't go I think no one will go. We will be the reason to spoil the whole plan." Anika groaned eyeing him secretly when Shivaay thought for a while.
"It's okay. I think we should do what we like rather than thinking about our friends. We shouldn't compromise and adjust for someone's happiness. Right Shivaay?" Anika asked again when he felt wrong about his decision. She understood what was going on his mind and continued,"Okay Shivaay, we will meet later! I will inform everyone that we are not coming." saying she left without hearing his reply.

Minutes later, "Anu what happened?! What did he say?!" OmRu asked eagerly when Anika reached them and spoke, "OmRu you will get to know the answer in three seconds exactly."
She counted "3...2...1" and they heard a familiar voice.
"Guys!" Shivaay called out to them when they see him walking towards them.
"I'm coming to the tour. Anu you should come too!" Shivaay said when Anika said,"But..."
"No Anu. We will go, let's just ignore that ma'am and enjoy to the fullest!" He said while everyone hugged him in happiness.
"Thanks Shivaay" They told in unison.

The four, OmRu and Mallika, Gauri whispered to Anika,"How did you convince Anu?!"
"Reverse psychology guys!" Anika whispered back chuckling.


The campfire volunteers soon distributed chits among everyone and they were told not to open them. They started playing the game and everyone were getting their chances one by one. Soon it was Anika's chance. She opened her chit to see the task she was given. The camp in-charge took the chit from her and read it out,"Love of your life". She fell blank for a second, everyone were eager to hear while only one person was not interested and that was Shivaay of course.

"I can't talk about it! How can I?" Anika thought to herself when she heard cheers from everyone around her. Deciding that she would tell what she felt, she spoke

"Everyone would wish for love in their lives. According to me love is not just a feeling, it is something which is filled with emotions. Emotions that are to be expressed beyond saying just those three words 'I Love you'.

The love of my life is a guy whom I always wanted to be by my side. His name is... okay I'm just making it a secret." she said with a wink, "He always fights with me. Literally cat fights!" She chuckled making everyone laugh. She continued, "But if I cry he has tears in his eyes, if I get hurt he feels the pain, if my breath stops he feels his breath stopping. Would you consider this love? I would and this is love for me." she finished making just one jealous unknowingly while she heard a huge round of applause.

"Please tell his name out" Anika heard someone asking her from the crowd, "It's been a top secret of not revealing ourselves and it will remain between us only." she said smiling.
"What the hell! How can she? Who is that guy! I... Wait why am I bothered? I don't care about that girl! Do I?" Shivaay questioned his inner self.


Precap ~
Engaged and married!

Who is the guy Anika spoke about? Has she moved on in her life?! Why is Shivaay getting jealous? He doesn't feel anything for Anika, does he?🤔

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