Chapter 35 | Bucket list

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Recap ~

"Good morning!" Shivaay greeted his wife as she woke up and she smiled in response.
"Your espresso!" He said placing her cup on the table while sipping his coffee.
"Wait didn't we fight?! I'm not talking to you!" she huffed in anger after remembering his stupid logic the other night.
"You already spoke, just logic!" Saying, he shrugged his shoulders and he received a glare from her.

"What are my ShivIka doing!?" Sid asked excitedly as he approached them to which they answered in unison "Fighting!"
"What the hell. Guys, you just got married a day back! Newly married couples should be romantic, like Romeo Juliet, Jack Rose, V——" Sid was interrupted by the other two, "We are ShivIka, Shivaay and Anika! So Chuck it off!"

"Please watch some romantic movies at least! For my sake." Sid sighed confusing the other two.
"Yeah, I need to play with my junior bhagad billa and cute billi." He spoke again while the other two widened their eyes in disbelief.
"Sid, why don't you get married?!" Anika asked scrutinizing her eyes at him and he happily said not realizing he was blurting out his little secret, "Very soon. I found my girl!"

"When did this happen?!" They almost hollered in excitement this time to which he smiled, "A few days back. Before you ask anymore questions, she is Mallika!"
"Poor Mallika!" Shivaay sighed sadly while Anika hugged Sid hitting him playfully, "You lover boy!"

As Shivaay entered his room after a tiring day, he saw his wife reading something and smiling at the same time.

"You are smiling a way more than usual!" Shivaay stated to which she turned to the other side not bothering to answer him.
"Okay sorry Anu! I enjoyed yesterday, after years! I was being Shivaay." He said sighing as he took a place next to his wife.
"Will you talk to me please!?" He asked again irritated by the silence taking advantage between the two.
"One down!" She exclaimed as she scribbled something in her notebook.

"What?!" He asked confused when she said, "Your sorry was number one in my bucket list."
"Bucket list?!" exclaimed Shivaay hearing her but suddenly realized what she meant.
"Weird. My apology was in your bucket list? But I said sorry many a times, even yesterday I said!" He wondered trying to count the number of times he apologized before.

"Firstly, it's better than your weird and stupid logics! Secondly, you are talking as though you said sorry a thousand times!" She smirked when he rolled his eyes, "My sorry is very valuable and rare!"
"Oh please. You say you don't know to apologize!" She rolled her eyes making him irritated.

"Listen Shivaay, did Tia or Mr.Chopra contact you after our marriage?!" Anika asked suddenly out of the blue moon to which he shook his head, "Good for us."
"That is quite odd." She thought to herself when Shivaay hugged her from behind, "Nothing is odd yaar Anu! Relax."

"Are our minds teleporting or is this some sort of a random guess?!" She asked raising one of her eyebrows at him to which he shrugged pointing her heart to his, "Hearts teleporting!" making her smile.

The Oberoi family was busy with the reception preparations which was to happen that evening. It was followed by a press conference, to clear out all the confusion.

"Keep the red roses to one side. I don't want them to get mixed with the other flowers!" Anika ordered one of the staff and was leaving to check the arrangements in the lawn when she felt a hug from behind.
"Can I be of some help ma'am?!" She heard her husband's sweet voice to which she answered, "I'm good, thanks. You better leave me else my mad boss will eat my head! There is a lot of work."
"Mad boss?! I'm not planning to leave you then, face his wrath." He smirked holding her even tighter.

"Shivaay chodiye na (Shivaay leave me na)!" Anika sounded sweeter than usual when he asked back, "Nahi choda toh?! (What if I don't leave?!)"
"You won't leave then?!" She asked blinking at him when he shook his head vigorously.
"You will regret." She stated bluntly this time and he chuckled knowing she wasn't serious. The next minute she hit his stomach with her elbow and he left her instantly.

"Fhat the wuck!" He hollered trying his best to sound in pain.
"You are always a bad actor. I know it wouldn't be painful, so please!" She rolled her eyes and he scrutinized his eyes at her, "How do you know?! You hit me, you culprit! I'm the victim here."
"Is it paining really?" She asked again folding her arms.
"Yes yes!" he tried stating confidently and another look of hers made him blurt out the truth with a frown, "Okay not very painful but still paining a little."

Sometimes a frown felt cute as well. She stepped closed to him, kissed his cheek and left not before saying, "You won't feel the pain anymore."
He smiled widely like a teenager as he got what he wanted.


To be continued <3

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