Chapter 32 | Trust me

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Recap ~
Her happiness

"I gave excuses for postponing my marriage with Tia all these years, trying to find out where he hid those fake proofs. I thought I can make everything right but I failed." Shivaay confronted, a tear escaping his eye.
"I couldn't keep your happiness at stake for my happiness. I never meant to hurt you Anu." He finished looking at her.

She landed on the floor not reacting in any way. Her face seemed pale, that was all he could decipher.

"Anu are you all right?" Shivaay panicked and she slipped into his arms not uttering a word.
"I'm sorry Anu. I didn't..." He couldn't continue further as she placed her finger on his lips.
"I'm supposed to apologize Shiv. You thought of me and papa but every single day I blamed you for my pain!" She said tears rolling down her eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt!" They heard a familiar voice from behind and Shivaay was surprised to see his grandmother.
"Dadi!?" He called out to her when she spoke out of excitement "Anika puttar, our plan worked! He told the truth finally."
"Wait what plan? Do you know..." He was interrupted by his Dadi, "Before you ask any more questions, I will say what I have to. First thing, I know about Anika from your college days itself. I know your love for her. I only didn't understand why you were marrying Tia, now that I know it!" She winked.

"But Dadi how do you know?!" Shivaay asked again making the other two chuckle.
"I'm your grandmother, wouldn't I know?!" She asked to which he asked back, almost rolling his eyes "What logic is that?!"
"True, there's not much logic in it. You can investigate how I got to know all this!" She said patting his back.

Anika hugged Dadi, "Thank you Dadi. I wouldn't have known anything without you!"
"You deserved to know this!" She said hugging her back.
"I think I should get credits too Anu!" Sid entered faking anger.
"Nothing was possible without my darling!" She winked at him and he hugged her.

"So your secret boyfriend was Sid all these days?!" Shivaay asked scrutinising his eyes at his brother.
"Of course. I was and I will continue to be!" He said and he received daggers from his brother.

"I will leave then. Thank you once again Dadi. Bye Shivaay, Sid." Anika said suddenly sounding low. She knew she had no chance of being with Shivay anymore. Today, she again felt her heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

Realizing what she meant, Sid spoke hurriedly "Wait Anu. You can't leave! Everything is sorted now, you both are getting married tomorrow!"
"I can't smash someone's dreams. I can't spoil the marriage!" Anika spoke but Sid shook his head correcting her, "She is the one who smashed your dreams. You love Shivaay and you can't deny it! Tia has to back off. Bhai you love Anu as well, stop her!"

"He wouldn't be able to. For my happiness!" Anika smiled sadly and was about to leave when Dadi stopped her, "I know you came here only to know the truth, and you found it. But I also want my grandson to have all the happiness he deserves."
Anika remained silent, and Dadi continued eyeing the couple "Do you both trust me?!"
"Of course Dadi." Shivaay and Anika answered in unison without any second thoughts.

"Alright — It's very late, Sid drop Anika and come back. Good night!" saying Dadi left confusing the other three.

Early the next morning, everyone were ready, the hall was decorated with exotic flowers and the groom already started the rituals in the mandap.

"Dadi?!" Shivaay called out to his grandmother who was busy ignoring him since that morning. He was kind of tensed by her behavior, he made his plan to escape from his very own wedding if nothing hindered. He needed time to set everything right but he cancelled his plan trusting his grandmother.

"Sit billu!" Dadi gestured when he was about to get up from the mandap.
"I don't think I'm doing this. The auspicious time is in thirty minutes!" He muttered under his breath.
"Billu, you should. Sit quietly!" Dadi spoke sternly and he couldn't deny her. He felt like his breath was going to stop any moment.

Anika was a silent spectator throughout. She had no clue what was going to happen, everything seemed obscure.

"I hate Tia." Rudra groaned in irritation.
"Don't start over again Rudy! This is like the fifth time now, please stop for God's sake." Gauri said rolling her eyes.
"Okay but deep from my heart I'm saying I hate Tia and I want someone to kidnap her!" He told again, grumpily.
"Hope that becomes true!" The others laughed.

"Guys! Like seriously?! It's our best friend's wedding." Anika exclaimed in surprise, hearing them.
"We need his happiness and his happiness is not in Tia. Don't you think so?!" Mallika asked curiously.
"Will my answer change anything?!" Anika asked back hiding her turmoil of emotions and continued cheerfully, "Let's enjoy the moment guys."

"Please bring the bride." They heard the priest. Rudra started praying to God while the rest chuckled sighting his actions.

"Mr.Chopra, you are everything for Tia. Please bring the bride. We will wait here!" Dadi said smiling at him when he nodded and left to get his daughter.


To be continued <3

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