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Liana's Pov:

I woke up to find myself under an unfamiliar ceiling the bed under me had white sheets and pillows and the walls around me were all white too except for this one flower vase that rested at a corner to my right with ....I don't know what flowers those were but just that they were flowers and red and pink in colour.

I shifted myself around a little before standing and throwing myself out of the over-soft bed.
"Where am I?" I questioned myself.
On my left was a glass wall through which I could see everything clearly as if there was no wall at all.
And on the left side of the bed there was also some weird glass table like the ones on the stage to give speech on or like the ones you see "WiFi benches," type.

My curiosity sored the skies at this point but.....
Being kidnapped by god knows who isn't a very nice thing I admitted to myself nodding and then slightly pushing my weight against the glass wall which seemed to have a glass door.
But seriously oh god it didn't budge,not even an inch.

Being less than even a moment I heard a beep,...beep sound from behind me.
"What,a bomb?". Oh no! Not good. But if it was a bomb I highly doubt I will wake up just to die. If they wanted me dead then its easy to kill people in their sleep.

" smart-ass" .......not really just a drama,action and fiction story fan.
I tried my best to keep myself calm on the situation as it was a necessary action and moved closer to the sound that was coming from the left of the bed.

From the glass table.(don't know the exact word for it).
A screen popped open and pictures of unknown places was being shown.

"Beautiful" I murmured to myself. The places were just so much wonderfull........ so full of life unlike the buildings I was surrounded by back home.
It was only a moment later that I heard footsteps.....loud and hurriedly moving footsteps close by.
I shock my head to get myself back to my senses and rushed to hide under the bed.

Drawing near me....near the bed was a pair of red skinned legs with a bit of scales on it....a monster?.

No, this happens in Alien fictions.....is this an Alien?.

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