I Am Owned.

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Kei's Pov:

I saw the little human look at Mr.Jade,probably because she had already met him. But to my surprise she returned the smile back at him. I knew than the decision was going to be him taking her in the end.

I slowly released the human after closing the door behind me to avoid any attempts to escape although I knew this one wasn't the type to try running.

(A/N:I will be writing the rest of the chapter in dialogue+3rd person pov).

Third person's pov:
Mr.Lind: oh come here sweety~

First up was Mr.Lind he stood up and came close.The human flinched back and hid behind Kei.
But to no avail Kei pushed her forward.

Mr.Lind:come on sweety I won't hurt you~.*come closer*.
Liana: No don't come close! *moves back*.

Next was Ms.joanne,pink Alien.

Ms.joanne: such a sweetheart,here I will give you some snacks *takes out jerky* come here baby~.

Liana: No!

Next Mr.kedsay
Mr.kedsay: you just don't know how to do it! *stands up in he is place** shows one hand and gestures* come here~ *whistles*.

Liana: I am no dog! *yelps,hides behind Mr.Jade*.

Everyone except Mr.kedsay : *laughs* so that's how you do it!. *laughs again*.

Kei: its decided then.

Everyone except Jade: but its not fair right everyone? I mean he is a half and that's......

Kei: Regardless, this is how our law had worked for years you can't ask anything to be changed and him being a half has nothing to do with the law of our planet.


(A/N:Back to pov mode from next chapter)

[Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter. Cya next chapter.]

Human PetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ