Same Wavelength.

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Hayce's POV:

Today I have decided to go to the council for the sole purpose of getting Liana's 'issued special card', although it is early in the morning, the council is mostly active around this time and it won't be too crowded so Liana won't need to keep waiting.

From the side mirror of the car I could see the second most famous pet store,stopping my car infront of the store I gestured for the young attendent to come over.

''Good Morning sir, is there anything you need my help with?''.
the shop attended seemed really friendly as he offered me assistant.

''Is there 'Premium bar' for pets available at the store?''. I asked and the assistant answered amicably and went to get the item. After buying the product I closed the car window and shifted my attention to the little pet in the back seat.

Unlike last time she seems to be looking around the car,completely awake this time.


I call her name and she shifts her attention from the window towards me.


I tell her as I tilt to my right and pass her the 'premium bar'. It is a nutrition bar that is mainly used as food for pets, it is from a certified brand that my sister herself have given approval to,given she is a 'pet's doctor', her approval has always been given important value in most of the pet's food industries and shops.

She looks at me and then at the bar, pointing at the bar :


she tries to say along but the words appear rather clumsy but also sweet,just like a baby's babbling.

'when did you learn to speak this wavelength?'. This was indeed a shock to me. She spoke in the same frequency as us, 'was what happened last time effect her mind afterall?'.

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