Meeting A Friend.

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Liana's POV:

I have been hearing the two of them speaking for quite some time before both of them dash to different rooms simultaneously. Hayce gives me a quick gentle smile before doing so.

After a while of waiting I see Hayce coming back with a set of clothes I chose back in the shop when I was first bought , a towel, some sort of shampoo? And soap? As I believe them to be so, a comb and a device........can't even guess what it is this time ''...'' .

Before I could tilt my head to his direction completely I feel a pair of strong pink hands grabbing my waist and pulling me up from behind me, they were more gentler than Hayce but the sudden action made my body stiff which did not go unnoticed by the Alien holding me and it bought me close to it's chest which was not exactly flat.....a female Alien.

I did not notice earlier when I saw her talking to Hayce but now I do, the reason I felt more comfortable thinking of being with her because she is female?.....'I am not a chick following mama Hen!!'.

I don't understand why my thinking has become one like an animal....a pet,'can anyone please tell me?'.
I heard them talk to each other some more as the pink Alien soothingly pat my back.

"I don't see Mike around" I see Hayce tilting to his right and then to his left through the corner of my eyes as if looking for someone or something behind the pink Alien.
"His down here" I hear the pink Alien as she points towards her right leg.....that's .....not an Alien alright.

"Hello!'' I hear him speak.

" Ah hello..." I reply rather awkwardly.

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter I have been kinda busy with packing stuff and this device of mine that turns off every 2 minutes is in need of a battery replacement.
You guys checked my conversation page right? I will be leaving to goto my home country and there is no WiFi so I won't be able to upload please do wait for this Author to be back..😄😄😄 ).

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