Garden,Food & A Little Creature

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Liana's pov:

The blue Alien who I suppose is my owner had left me on the huge bed of the room I was bought in.
It had a window close by, through which I could see the garden.
It had some weird looking plants growing along with some flowers which I couldn't recognize...except for one particular had strawberries on it,they were bigger than how they are on Earth but still perfect strawberries.

As I looked deeper my gaze shifted to a small humanoid creature. Given it was hidden behind the plants I couldn't see it well but for some reason I started to feel a little tired so I laid down on the bed holding onto the velvet-like fabric and gave in to sleep.

When I woke up I was no longer alone,I could feel warm breath over my shoulders and a big hand wrapped around my back gently. I looked to to see my owner sleeping.


'I feel uncomfortable now...'

I wasn't used to sleeping like this so I instinctively tried to move out as carefully as possible but thank my luck(sarcastically) the Blue Alien A.K.A my owner woke up. He gently lifted himself up and looked towards me and ruffled my hairs then stood up and scooped me in his arms.

My body stiffened and I think he noticed and started to pat my back gently...I felt like a baby really well that reminds me of Eddy,my cousin baby brother.
Before I could think anymore on the depressing subject of not being home I was led to a room that looked like a kitchen but was huge as expected given the Alien's sizes.
He set me on the counter and started to prepare some food I guess,since most of it looked really weird I don't think I can even call it food.
Then he started with another bowl which was the normal size we would use and filled it with dry fruits and some sort of nutrient value bar(don't know what it is called).

My owner than moved the bowls to a food cart and scooped me in his arms,bought me out in the hall and sat me on the couch and then he also sat beside me while stroking my hairs gently and motioning to the food bowl.
I nodded in response,I didn't know if this gesture was understandable to the Aliens but I didn't know any other was to communicate.

'By the way what was that little humanoid creature?.' I wondered.

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