Like Rainbow

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Liana's POV:


I repeat the words Hayce had told me as he pointed at the nutrition bar in my hands. I looked up at him to see his reaction somewhat 'sullen?' ,what?,isn't this thing called 'Breakfast?' So why are you looking at me as though I have done something unpardonable?.

I turn my head away from him and pout.
He looks a little surprised at my reaction and lets out a sound I believe to be a 'chuckle' before he gently ruffles my hairs and makes a cooing sound.

I give him an 'I don't care' look and cross my arms over my chest while using my right hand to finish off the bar and without bothering to look back at Hayce I resume observing the scenery outside the so called 'vehicle'.

Hayce tilts his head and moves his lips closer to my forehead,implanting a kiss which makes the hairs on my neck stand.
But I manage to hide the feeling and give him a shy look which results in my cheeks turning lightly pink ,a result of me holding my breath for a few seconds.

(A/N: "..." , a made up shy expression...truly cunning.)

Hayce lightly smiles and returns to resume driving the car. I find the surrounding as alien as can be.

Buildings,all like boxes...

People, all like rainbow...

Sizes,all like Burj khalifa...

Liana: Truly alieen~.

Hayce: "..." rainbow?.

After who knows how long, the car stopped in front on yet another 'box' like building its colour being a dark brown unlike the various blues,greens,yellows and red.

Hayce then parked the car along with many others I believe this to be a parking lot.
Hayce then got out of the car and opened the backseat,carrying me out in his arms like an infant. I couldn't help but mock myself at my feeling of comfort.

'How can you feel so comfortable while being carried as an infant that too by an 'alien'.'

I tilted my head away from the crook of his neck as I tried to look ahead,towards the brown building. As soon as we stepped closer, a beam of green light like laser moved across our bodies from head to toe and I couldn't help but let out a screech as it passed by my eyes. 'So burning' I complained within my mind as Hayce pulled me up like a little airplane.

Liana: what are you doing?

Hayce: checking for injuries.

After he looked me up and down his emerald-human like eyes stopped at my eyes. He pulled me back into his embrace as he rushed inside.

(A\N: the dialogues written without " are for fun, not actual conversations but just thoughts).

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