The Council President,Ken Jek

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Hayce's POV:

I followed the female robot for a few minutes before we stood infront of the door that had bold letters that read:

"The Council President"

I couldn't help but shiver at the thought of meeting such a high level person who has as much authority as the king himself or even more!.

Most of the decisions are made by the council president and many support him for his decisions and the king on the other hand enjoys the work the council president does without any opposition.

Main reason might be the king's full trust on his childhood friend,the council president.

The king didn't mind his friend overpowering him in the least,he trusted him too much.

Well,alls well that ends well.

Afterall the council president has indeed never betrayed the king and the promises made on our planet are life-linked which can never be broken without the consent of both parties involved.

If broken its obvious what happens when you mention 'life-linked'.

I stand frozen for a few seconds after which the robot knocks on the door.
A deep authoritative voice could be heard from the inside,"come in".

The robot moves a few steps back as she allows us to enter first.

I could see Liana shift sides and gently correct her position so she doesn't fall off my shoulder.

She purses her lips as if in discomfort for a moment before sleeping peacefully.

I walk in right after that and try to look around the dimly lit room.
It has a big desk and a man with silver white hair is seated on a chair behind it.

"Nice to meet you, Mr.Hayce Jade".

His tone of voice suggests he knows more than he should.

(A/N: The plot is moving smoothly now...thankgod! , this Author was so worried of the ending with writer's block but everything is planned so that won't happen...😸).

{Ken Jek: remember the white haired red alien I mentioned in 'characters' before? Look up to see the portrait this author made^^^}


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