| Chapter 4 |

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Chapter Four

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"Marinette!" I heard my assistant call out as I was about to head out of the building.

Rose was a petite girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a sweet girl and a hard worker, I couldn't not love her.

I turned to her and answered, "Yes?"

"Your parents would like to speak with you in their office," She said and I had to hold back a groan.

I nodded and headed to the elevator. They always did this. They waited until it was time for me to go home then they'd call me and dump a butt load of work on me. It was annoying and tiring.

Why were they bothering me now?

I have to go home to get ready for my date with that obnoxious blond and I still don't know what I'm going to wear yet!

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out and headed to my parents' office. I just wanted this to be over and done with so I can get out of here.

Opening the door, eight pairs of eyes met mine.

"Marinette," Gabriel greeted from his seat beside Adrien.

I acknowledged him with a smile before taking a seat, once again beside Adrien, and turning to face my parents.

"Okay, so we are going to make your relationship public by letting out a few magazines," My father started and I was already confused.

"Magazines? Why?" I asked.

"You and I will model while doing couple stuff, sweetheart. Pictures will be taken and put in the latest gossip magazines," Adrien slowly, as if he was talking to someone illiterate.

"Yeah, what he just said," My father said. "You guys have to make your relationship look real. Hold hands, hug, go out, kiss. Do any and everything couples do to make you look like a real couple."

"Agreed. Your engagement will be announced in a few weeks time at our companies' partnership gala," Gabriel announced. He then turned to Adrien, "You should have an engagement ring ready and on her finger a couple days before the gala."

Adrien and I nodded, understanding what they meant. But there was one thing I still didn't understand; we're doing so much work for what?

"Please don't mess this up guys," Mom begged. "We want the best for you and our companies, that's why we have to do this."

"We get it," The blond and I said in unison before glancing at each other. This speaking in unison thing was getting out of hand and creepy.

"Now that everything is cleared up, when's your first date?" Gabriel asked, curiously looking at both of us.

"Tonight," Adrien answered, his cheek resting in his open palm as he looked around boringly.

"Good. Remember to act like a couple. There will be paparazzi everywhere, please do not bicker," Gabriel groaned.

"When do I ever bicker with him?" I asked and they looked at me in disbelief. But, seriously, do I ever bicker with Adrien? I mean, we have slight arguments once in a while, but we never bicker.

"Do you really want us to answer that?" Father gave me a look and I huffed.

"Whatever, can I go now?" I asked impatiently.

"Sure," Gabriel answered and I bolted out of the room. I needed to get home right now or I'd look like a total disaster on our date tonight. Alya was busy tonight so she would not be able to help me out.

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