| Chapter 44 |

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Chapter Forty-Four

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A D R I E N ' S  P.O.V

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"How the hell did they get there?!" I yelled, startling both Nino and Alejandro. I was currently sitting in Nino's living room of his apartment, fuming, might I add.

Australia...Whoever they were, they took Marinette and Emma to Australia.

Alejandro literally wasted no time to find them. I think the tracking device in the earring thing was the smartest thing I have ever came up with. With Alejandro's help too.

"I-I don't know," Alejandro stuttered out, turning his gaze back to his computer. "Do you have any idea of who might have them?"

"Not a clue," I chewed on my bottom lip. We should be moving like right now. Who knows what they could be doing to them? My father said that we had to wait on the police. The fricking police. We just found them faster than any police could! 

The longer we waited, the more that could happen to them. 

What if...what if I found them dead? What would I do? 

Murder, that's for sure, but...

I didn't know what to think. 

"You okay, dude?" Nino's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. 

I slid my fingers through my hair and I shook my head. "Of course not."

"We'll get them back in one piece, Adrien," My best friend tried to assure me, but it just didn't work. Nothing could reassure me right now unless I saw Emma and Marinette right in front of me, perfectly fine.

Dropping my head in my hands, I let out a shaky sigh and blocked the voices of Nino and Alejandro. 

Two days. It has been two days since they've gone missing. Two fricking days. My father was taking too damn long to do what he was supposed to do and it was pissing me off. 

We went to the park that Marinette and Emma were last at and we found her car still in the parking lot. 

Everything was under inspection by the so called 'police' and they have yet to get back to us. 

I wasn't going to wait anymore. That's why I asked my father to do something else for me. I was just waiting for the call. 

When I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I wasted no time to answer it.

"We are reading, Mr Agreste," The voice of Dimitri met my ears. Dimitri was the man in charge of training me when I was in Russia. The perfect person to call in my time of need.

That was all I needed to hear.

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M A R I N E T T E ' S  P.O.V

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The door slammed into the wall as it was swung open, making me jolt awake. Lila strutted in with a scowl on her face.

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