| Chapter 11 |

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Chapter Eleven

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I hesitantly pushed open the doors to Le Papillion and the cool AC hit my face.

My eyes scanned the room as I looked for the familiar blond headed, green eyed man that I've been avoiding for days.

I literally spent one hour prepping myself for this. I was contemplating on whether I should just leave now and go back to the office so I can ask my parents for another week off.


I have to stop being so weak. I should just woman up and speak to Adrien instead of running away.

When I finally found who I was looking for, I slowly made my way over to the booth at the back of the room before sinking down in the seat in front of him.

Adrien looked up from his phone and over at me before turning it off and putting it down.

"Hey," He said and I bit my lip, averting my eyes from his.

"Hi," I muttered, tugging at the end of my skirt. "Are you ready to order?"

He nodded and called over a waitress. We ordered and the girl walked away, telling us that our orders will be ready in fifteen minutes.

We then sat in silence. A very awkward silence.

What was I to say? I invited him here. How was I to say it? I don't know what to do. Why am I freaking the hell out?

"How's it been going?" Adrien spoke up and I looked up at him.

"Everything's been going fine, so far," I internally cringed at the small talk.

"I take it you got my gift," He sipped his coffee that I assumed he ordered before I arrived.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "Thank you."

And then it was silent once more.

Adrien sighed. "Look, I'm sure you can feel the tension between us and we both know why it's like that."

I held my breath. I never expected him to just address it like this.

"We had sex. Yes, we were drunk, but it still happened. We can't change that, but I don't like this," He said, running his fingers through his hair.

"I do want us to move past all this," I stated chewing on my bottom lip.

"And we can," He said. "The way you reacted is a mystery to me. Did something happen before?"

My heart started to beat faster and I looked down at my lap. "I don't want to speak about it."

He was now concerned. I could feel his eyes peering into me. "Is it bad?"

I nodded slightly. It was bad. What happened was something I continuously blamed myself for. For being stupid and naive. I hated thinking back to it. "I don't like speaking about it. Something happened to me before and what went on between me and you brought back memories of something I was trying so hard to forget. I don't want to talk about it, but hopefully one day I'll be able to tell you."

Adrienette Arranged Marriage (Rewrite)✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin