27] A Sweet Poison

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27] A Sweet Poison

"Oh, sweet Rogue Queen of mine, you need to do better if you're getting banished from your own property... you found the Ruins first... and they send you to me... banished? The Ezili Castle is yours too, half-wit... disrespectful whores will treasure you once you learn... how to lead... unless you need... not just my presence, but a message – I can kill one of them for you, bring the little bitches right back into line," Eros doesn't let me get a word in with my head pushed into the covers, while he places his hips to the back of my naked ass, so I can feel his shaft, growing and throbbing in length against the outside of my pussy. I wiggle my butt when one of his hands reaches back and his finger tries to prod at my second hole.

I drop my hips to get away from Eros and he simply falls with me, covering my back, weighing me down into the covers. Eros is not forcing anything into me yet, but he slips his fingers instead under the scarf around my head, wrenching it off me so I can see.

I turn my head while I'm on my stomach and I take a quick peek back at Eros' face.

My mate looks utterly calm while his long black hair caresses my back, his ocean blue eyes hold onto mine with curious patience and he listens with open ears.

"Two things. Do not. Put your thing. Inside my ass," I state this, firmly, "Secondly, those orphans are my best friends so do not insult them by calling them whores or bitches. They don't deserve that kind of name calling."

Eros slowly tilts his head down towards my open cheek, sniffing his nose across my skin from jawline to temple, "Impress me, little Darv, and I might delight you with a few more minutes of speech time... before I begin to split you down the middle."

Oh, Eros is indeed enjoying this, with an amused tone to his rough drawl.

"Impress you? Eros, I tried to sing to you before, but you weren't here to hear it... also, I blindfolded myself... lay here to be ravaged... that's a lot. So, allow me a moment to gather myself?"

"To do what, Lily?"

As I take in Eros' rather patient handling, I understand what I need to do.

"Just allow me," I whisper it, my eyes alight, "Allow me to explore you. Shall I begin this strange adventure?"

"...you do submit to our union?" Eros genuinely looks excited now, leaning up slowly, "...you can have a few fleeting minutes to yourself, but you will pay for the lenience."

My mate pauses, lets that sink in and then flips onto his back, allowing me room to scramble up to my knees and push my hair behind my shoulders as I witness him laid out, hands resting behind his head, eyes staring at the black ceiling.

"Everything comes with a price, Lily," Eros closes his eyes and sighs, while his cock bounces back and forward in front of me.

My eyes run over his pale skin, and I see blue veins pulsing fast, muscles clenched all over his body.

I wonder if that's a bad sign, or just a normal state of angst.

I glance at the blue curse upon my hand and the navy blue colour of his cock; such a long, bumpy, thing. I glance below the violent looking shaft to his balls. I'm glad he is closing his eyes because my cheeks go redder, my pulse thumping.

Eros' nostrils flare as I feel my own heart beat pulsing in my neck. The anticipation seems to ignite an old memory of what he's happy hormones in his venom, do to my neck when he bites.

I gain a slither of confidence with my rush of lust and I grab his knees, slowly kneeling between his legs and assessing his reaction all the while.

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