[Part2] ⤀ 17] A Chaotic Limbo

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[Part2] 17] A Chaotic Limbo

I use the Rough as best as I can to gain speed, even though Eros has equal power over the water. I manage to find a desolate little strip of sand. It's not much but it'll do. I swim into the shallows further than any Erebos can manage due to their size.

I shift into my tail, scramble to my feet and run to the middle of the strip of sand.

It's a little piece of nothing, but at least I am out of the water.

Yes, they were both powerful on land, yes, they could definitely toss me back into the water. Yes, Eros could send a wave ploughing into me. I half expect such a move, but the only thing I see coming for me, are two bobbing heads as Blade and Eros swim around the tiny island, circling me like damn sharks.

"Leave me ALONE!" I yell out to them, knowing I will soon be tempting them to land.

I start to pace and a few moments later, something is tossed onto the sand.

It's a crab wrapped in seaweed.

A gift.

I almost kick it back into the ocean but I know I'll need my strength.

I was very hungry... and I was particularly interested in crab... I liked it raw... and the seaweed was edible. Enough.

"Thank you," I hiss under my breath, storming up to the crab and sitting on my butt. I wrench open the shell for the meat and I have my little salad like a barbarian. I would eat and then I would lie on the sand and rest.

I had a whole night in the Rough where I couldn't return to Belle Island so... I may as well do nothing, lie back and wait until the sun would rise. As I'm feasting on the food gift, I look up to see what I hear. The splashing of water from legs and feet.

Eros is magnificent in the ocean, looking like that, in the moon light, with the Rough churning around him. He doesn't sweep his luscious hair back, he lets it drip in curling tendrils over his chest.

I chew with my mouth full, as Eros stalks me with a predator's gait, slow and large lunges. I tense up, but the moment his feet hit the sand next to me, Eros pretends to lunge in for me, but swiftly rolls behind me at the last moment instead. My whole body has winced to the side but I quickly relax. Eros chuckles with my nervous reaction.

Argh. I tentatively lean my back against his abdominals as his cheek rests on his palm, and his fingers also trace down my spine, petting me repeatedly.

You worry me, Lily. Are you okay, Lily. What are you feeling, Lily. Do you need some comfort, Lily?

All the things he could ask.

What Eros does say is, "That crab makes your inner pores sweat, Lily, my sweet," Eros' rough rasp is husky with over powered hormones, "Your ass is going to be well inclined to penetration –" he is so serious about it, even when I turn to him and grab his neck with one puny hand – I can't fit it around, I can't squeeze – but I do attempt to push his head back into the sand and hover my face over his.

I want to say you selfish, despicable, horrible eel, dolphin dicked, shark minded, monster.

Instead, I think of all that has occurred on the Island.

When faced with trouble? I choose an it's-too-hard mentality, the mind of a loser. I had never won anything. I've never been taught anything useful, otherwise. I've been pitied as a Darv. I've been stolen, enslaved, and left. I didn't have much education. But I had feelings.

And all I can do is act on them.

Eros burnt the island, everyone liked to spit at me because of that.

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