37] A War to an End

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37] A War to an End

Lily's POV

1 week later

I stand on soft sand, watching the Rough bearing down on the Island... bringing in the war ships quicker. Vonky, Aegir's mother was loose and raging through the Ezili Castle. The Darvs were freed this morning, pat on the bums and told to swim south.

They swam. I stayed.

Eros was gone last night and he told me nothing. Probably because I refused to have sex with him all week. All we did was argue over everything. Our loving moments were naught. I noticed his appetite to torture my mind was lacking the last 7 days. Eros was pre-occupied in his own brain.

Now, a war had arrived and he was gone.

The Darvs were gone.

The Sirens were gone.

The Generals and the Merka Erebos?

Gone. Except for Bellus.

He remained in the castle watching me from the window as I stood in the bay, looking out at all the shapes moving closer to Main Beach which led direct to the Clan Village.

The Ezili Clan appeared to have abandoned the Island... and I was more certain than ever that the plan was to watch the Island burn.

Just a few days ago, the treasure was negotiated. To a select location I was not savvy of. In return for Ezili's departure – today. It was all going in Eros' favour.

I'm sure, Eros may even be collecting the treasure right now. But I was terrified he might even be helping the ships arrive more quickly. I could tell from the swells that was already happening. Not only that, but Fantasia was let out too. I wonder if she'll succeed in stopping the war.

All that was left was Vonky, Bellus and I.

And a war on the horizon as the sky turned black.

I remember my mate's words the day he ended the Darv practice by killing all those mortals... I am the fury the Belle Island has been dreading for two decades, sweet Lily. I'm the sword of retribution. I am. Their demise...

Rough words off a commonly rough Erebos tongue.

Now, those statements held more weight. I feel my hands tremble as I watch every second, bringing more ships to the Island.

I didn't know what to think.

I hear sand crunch behind me and I turn to see the shell eyes of Bellus, shining like burning silver in the dark, only reflected by the moon.

"You came down to watch from the bay too?" I ask, numb.

"You need to come back to the castle," Bellus crosses his arms over his chest and won't look me in the eye. I turn to him properly, waiting for Bellus to speak about the plan. Any hint. Any clue. My gaze turns to a desperate pleading glare, until he finally meets my eyes.

"I want to stay on the shore," I state.

"The castle. Or swim south, those are your two options," Bellus reasons, "Every other direction is death."

Then, Bellus stalks past me... I turn to watch him wade, into the shallows... then deeper still.

"Where are you going?" I ask.


I shut my lips and I watch Bellus dunk under the waves and disappear.

What in the Deep?

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