[Part2] ⤀ 13] The Fate of Lilith

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[Part2] 13] The Fate of Lilith

A month later

I changed my fate drastically 4 weeks ago. When I escaped Eros' demands upon his ship by pulling on the Rough and completely annihilating that wooden plank of his that he loved so dearly. It was a life to be bound in a beautiful estate on the Topaz Isle in Angleton, burdened to breed little fish to a wealthy Erebos King, with a loyal Clan and a selfish plan.

The tragic part is my revelation about my freedom.

Freedom wasn't a perfect salvation for me back on Belle Island.

It was pain, starvation and constant uncertainty.

It was a tragedy. All of it was.

My whole life was a damn sea turd.

Belle Island's population of Coral Mermaids and Merka weren't just slaughtered in that battle, some innocents were stolen away, never to be seen again, dead or alive. Possibly kept as pets for mortal enjoyment, or perhaps for a stray Erebos with a keen nose for Coral blood. What did that mean? That left a certain amount of angry kin back on the Island, desperate and ready for answers, blood and vengeance.

Then there were my sisters; those backstabbing leeches.

Since the Darvs disappeared for over 6 months, we were all, at the beginning, as guilty returning as the real catalyst of the war, whether we had anything to do with it or not.

I couldn't hate Eros more in this present moment because of how I was perceived by everyone; because of my ties to him.

A reckless, selfish, brainless monster. A bloody nuisance. One minded and set on one mode; destruction.

Look what happened.

Now, I sit on a rock by a river pool, under the balmy air and dim silver moonlight, making a spare weapon out of a damn stick. Carving a rock along a branch was my anxiety reliever these days.

The Darvs, ha ha, those bitches, were hunted upon their return, until they decided to negotiate with Fantasia.

I was the reason the Island burned, apparently.

I was the one who couldn't satisfy my mate, which caused Eros to seek blood and murder over peace and unity.

Yeah. That's right. The whole island was fucked up because I wouldn't fuck that fish-brain long or hard enough.

Fantasia and the Council believed it.

I. Hate. My. Sisters.

More than you'd know.

We need peace. Halina had said.

We're tired of being without a home. Roanne and Vanora agreed.

In truth, we are innocent. Zandy, in denial.

You're lucky you're not dead. Rivea, simply disgusted by my perceived uselessness.

It wasn't meant to be this way. ...Darya, whom I thought I could trust, but she bought into the easy deal for peace, by throwing me under the waves.

So here I am. Alone. Battered. Because I have a whole Island hell bent on capturing me and using me to lure Eros in.

Thanks, sisters, for telling them how much he desires me.

The seas around the Island were too dangerous to escape solo, there were too many patrols now, warding off mortal sailors. Even now, on land, I can hear a search party distant, scouring through the tropical Island, searching for me.

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