Chapter # 5

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The whole night sleep was far away from me and the words of Hira kept on roaming around my mind.
Am I such selfish that I can not saw my parents happiness? How can I ruin their happiness? How can I break their trust? Although Zain has not ever confess his feelings but???
I could not understood what my feelings was and what I want. I never ever dreamed of my life with anyone but also I can't make my parents feel guilty or heartbroken only for me. Their all decisions for me are proved to be right but in this matter what should I do??.
All these questions were running in my mind then I hear Azaan. It's Fajar time. I get up from bed and do Wazu. After praying I make dua. I felt my eyes fill with tears and I can't control them. I prayed to Allah.
Ya Allah! Please show me the right path. I don't know what is good for me but you know very well about this. I don't know what to do. Please help me. I m feeling very helpless. Please help me.

After completing Dua I again laid on bed and feel little peace. After that I don't know when I fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up with headache in my head. Because of crying all night I was feeling that my head would burst now. I got up and went downstairs for breakfast.
"Are u not going college today?" My mom ask.
"No. I m feeling headache. I m not going anywhere." I said.
After eating breakfast I took medicine. After some time my friend Annie call. She ask me the reason that why I didn't go to college I told her about my headache and end the call.
The whole day pass and I was feeling upset Don't know why?.
I was sitting in my room when my phone rang. My Friend Annie was calling. I pick up the phone and we start talking.
Anie is my best friend from childhood. We studying in same school, college and University.
"Are u hiding something from me?" Annie asked.
I was silent on her question and do not reply.
"Tell me what happened?" She asked calmly.
When someone talk to me calmly I can share my thoughts with him but if someone talk harshly I hate him and don't talk to him.
When she calmly asked me I told her the reason. I share my feelings with her and always give me good advice.
"I think u should accept the proposal. Parents always choose best for their children. They have choose him for u because they knew you find your happiness in him." Annie said.
Everyone was saying this to me but why can't I see it throymy eyes.
"But u know..." She stop me and said
"I Know u like Zain but it is necessary that person u want always want u in return." She said.
We talk for sometime and then end the call.

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