"You're not my Mom" (Kinda Sad) (Cute Ending)

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"You're not my mom, so stop acting like it. Not that you'd be good at it anyways! I hate you!" Shawn's 11-year-old daughter, Ella, yelled at me earlier... yet it still rang through my ears.

It was true, I wasn't her biological mom but I married Shawn when she was 7 ½ and since then I've helped raise her. Her mom was kinda active in her life and I would never want to replace her, but it wasn't like I didn't see her as my own.

Shawn had stepped out to go get lunch for us all after the whirlwind of emotions we had gone through this morning. Between Ella's mom not showing up to pick her up and my pregnancy giving off too many hormones, we were all filled with uneasiness.

I had only wanted to help her because I could tell how disappointed she was since her mom bailed, again. I knew damn well I was being too pushy and I just had to fix it, but I made it worse, and her preteen hormones kicked in.

I know kids say things they don't mean when they're mad, hell, adults do it too. It's just that I know it hit me harder because I am carrying Shawn's kid. I'm going to be a mom in less than 4 months and I've always questioned if I'll be a good mom to her. Then, the added stress of not knowing if Ella would be jealous and hate her sister added on to it.

I felt tears run down my face rapidly as I ate out of the tub of ice cream, I felt so awful as a person. I tried so hard to just push it off but I couldn't. So I continued to just cry and eat.


I was in our room when I heard Shawn come through the front door, I fixed myself to look like I hadn't been sobbing my eyes out. "Girls! I'm home and have food!" He yelled and I heard Ella open her door and I waited until she was down the stairs before I made my way down too.

"I picked up some more ice cream, I noticed we were almost out," Shawn mentioned as he held up the tub for me to see before placing it in the freezers. "Thanks," I mumbled with a smile and dug out my meal from the bag.

I sat down at the table, dipping my fries into the ranch solemnly as Shawn and Ella chatted about hockey. I loved their bond and before today, I knew Ella and I had our own bond.

"Ya feeling okay?" Shawn asks and Ella gives me a pleading look, so I nod my head. "I'm fine, just super tired today." I lie and continue to eat.


The night proceeded on as they watched hockey and Harry Potter, but I just felt nothing but heartache at the sight. I knew I was the reason she was upset for tonight because I was overly motherlike and I would soon be the reason she'd be angry because I was having a kid.

"I'm gonna head to bed, I'll see you two curly-heads in the morning," I mumble and make my way to the staircase, tears already started to make their way down my cheeks. I stopped halfway to suck in air, I was trying my hardest not to let a sob escape my quivering lips.

"You okay?" I heard Shawn yell from the living room. I cleared my throat quietly before giving him a response.

When we got to the room, I went to the bookshelf by the closet door, I found the old photo album from a few years ago.

I flipped through the pages of pictures, Ella had her brown curls a mess on our wedding night, it made me giggle a little. She reminded me so much of her dad, she had his hair and laugh, the big brown eyes and kind soul, even though she could say some mean things I knew how much of a heart she had.

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