14. Tolerable

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One million dollars.

He was insane. I had no doubt about it. Who the hell pays that much for a person?!

"I'm dropping something off. Tell Valentino to be ready. No, Eve is coming with me."

Huddled in a ball by the window, I glance over my shoulder at Cassius who's been preoccupied with the person on the phone since we left the warehouse. Thank the Lord because if he weren't distracted, I would be his distraction.

I was at war with my feelings at the moment. Anxiety, despair, anger, fear, all of it was swirling inside of me like a brewing storm. I glance at him again. His jaw was taut, the muscle twitching as he glared at the space in front of him, a wrathful dark prince. Something came up while he was sealing my fate with Blood Master Elias. That devilish smile had disappeared and he'd stopped paying attention to me. Besides throwing me into his car like a ragdoll, he's avoided touching me since.

Outside the window, the world was a black slate. I couldn't even make out any shadows. All that stared back at me was my own reflection; my green eyes were wide, face pale, while dark locks of hair were already escaping from the complicated hairdo to hang limp around my neck. I didn't understand. The Blood Master gave him the title 'Night Lord.' What did that mean? I already assumed he had some sort of power given the mansion and his careless spending habits but, the way the room had gone quiet back there...

The other vampires had reacted to his voice, careful not to move or even speak. No one dared to stand against him, despite my desperate hopes that someone would bid me out of his hands. It made me wonder just how powerful of a vampire I was dealing with here.

The sound of a low snarl has me tensing up. I peer at him from the corner of my eye to see him putting his phone away before glaring out the window. I gulp. His head tilts at the sound and I curse myself for not being quiet. Slowly, he turns his head to face me. I avert my gaze completely, pretending to be extremely interested in my side of the car. Not much I can do about the pounding organ in my chest, though.

"I'm going to be busy until tomorrow morning with errands." he states quietly.

I don't move. Why is he telling me this?

The sound of him shifting in his seat makes me stiffen even more- enough to make my muscles quake.

"You'll be settled in one of the rooms I've had Eve prep for you while I'm away. Valentino will be your supervisor. Before we part ways, though, I need to make sure you are aware of some very simple rules."

He was starting to sound annoyed, probably because I wasn't looking at him. In order to avoid him doing anything physical, I turn just enough to show him he has my attention. All I can see is his right knee. He relaxes it a bit.

"Rule number one, you're not allowed to wander. Hence, Valentino. He will be the one to tell you where you can and can't go. Two, you wear what I give you. If not, we'll have another episode of me playing your personal wardrobe assistant. Understood?"

I shudder, remembering the feel of his cool, ruthless hands. I nod.

"Three, if anyone else other than me tries to touch, bite, or even smell you, you are to call out for Eve. He will hear you and will then bring me back so I can handle the situation." His voice lowers. "I don't need someone else discovering what you are."

At this, I forget my reluctance to face him as I lift my head to stare at him, feeling puzzled. "What?"

Cassius had his eyes on the window. They shift over to me, the silver somehow glowing in the dim light of the car. He arches one black brow as if he didn't quite catch on to what had snagged my attention.

Just A Taste | BOOK 1 The Night Lords SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now