15. No Mark, No Code

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Just like all the other vampires I've seen, Valentino was exceptionally attractive. In light of the hallway we were walking through, instead of the usual pallid skin, his skin tone bordered on a light bronze color that made me think of caramel. Inky locks of silk curled about his temples and neck. If I were to give him a different identity other than Satan's lackey, I'd say he could pull off being an Amazon prince.

He turns the corner and I follow him into what must be the kitchen. My lips part to shape a little 'o.'

It's like one of those gourmet kitchens you only see in fancy restaurants or, in this case, a vampire's fancy house. The kitchen must be over two-hundred square feet. Veins of silver splintered across the black marble countertops, glossy surfaces gleaming under the warm lighting. A surplus of smoky, brown cabinets lined the walls as well as the body of the massive island centered in the middle of it all. With top-notch appliances and the smell of something cooking, I wondered if we somehow took a wrong turn. Surely this kitchen did not belong to a psychotic vampire.

Valentino scoffs and I look up at him. Having removed his glasses, I'm met with a pair of blood-red eyes, an exact match to Blood Master Elias's eyes. A question formed in my mind but I pushed it back down.

He jerks his chin. "What?"

I raise my brows, confused. "What?"

He gestures to the kitchen around us. "You look like this is the first kitchen you've seen in your life. What were you expecting?"

I look down, shaking my head as I shrug. "It's just nice, that's all. I didn't think a kitchen would.. be..." I peer up at him. He waits. "Necessary for vampires." I finish, feeling a little sheepish.

The vampire rolls his eyes. He turns away from me then to ring a little bell on the wall. A few seconds pass before I hear something click inside the wooden wall to my right. I watch incredulously as a section of the wall shifts outside of itself to move aside to reveal a secret passage. Standing on the other side in a pristine white suit was none other than Lora.

Valentino snaps his fingers and Lora hurries forward to stand in front of him.

"Get her something to eat. I'll be back in ten to take her to her room."

"Yes, sir." Lora murmurs.

He's gone without bothering to give me a second glance. As soon as he leaves, my body sags in relief. I turn to Lora but she's already moving through the kitchen.

"Sit, please." She orders without looking.

I look around and spot a set of black leather stools beneath the right side of the island. I walk over and take a seat, watching her prep me a plate. She opens a set of thin long doors and I catch a glimpse of a large pantry full of shelves stacked with dried goods before she shuts it. She's a girl on a mission as she darts back and forth. The last thing she procures is a medium-sized bowl of steaming stew. In the end, Lora pushes a full plate of buttered bread, cheese, stew, warm vegetables, and a small pile of grapes. Now that the food is right in front of me, my stomach decides to let me know how hungry I really am. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning, I think. I dig in like a ravenous wolf, scarfing everything but the stew down with my hands. Lora hands me a spoon and I blush a bit, having forgotten she was here.

She gives me a small smile. "It's okay. It's been a long day for you. Eat however you like."

I return her little smile and proceed with the stew. I eat like a normal person this time. I don't want her to think I'm some sort of animal. As soon as the savory broth spills over my tongue, I can't help but moan a little. For years, I've eaten simple, canned or dried food from my little pantry. The last time I had a home-cooked meal was when I was, like, fourteen years old. Lora waits patiently while I finish my dinner. Putting my spoon down, I lift the bowl to my lips to drink the rest of the delicious broth.

Just A Taste | BOOK 1 The Night Lords SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now