NaNoWriMo Project

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I shall be working on Diamond in the Sky (DITS) for NaNoWriMo 2019.  Diamond in the Sky is a spin off novel to Jewel of the Sea (JOTS) also found on Wattpad.  

September:  I worked on plotting DITS and finishing this during the first week of October.  There is still a little more work to be done of character development.

October:  I have access to an editing course and hope to use what I learn to improve the inital chapters of DITS before I start NaNoWriMo.  This will help me get back into the story and start up where I left off.  

November:  Everything will stop for NaNoWriMo.  I will try to post updates on Wattpad, although, I'm not sure I'll be confident enough to post the raw first drafts of chapters.  

December:  I will edit the first three chapters of Jewel of the Sea and take the rest offline to work on.  I still use my Wattpad link to share my writing.

January:  I hope to be editing DITS and hopfeully have two finished novels.  

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