Chapter 7

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NB:  This is a raw (unedited) chapter written for NaNoWriMo.  

I was getting worse. Now curled up in a ball, shivering, with beads of sweat on my brow. I had managed to crawl away from public view.

I felt scared and vulnerable and weak. It felt like an effort to breathe, my body shutting down and any light gave me the worst migraine.

Here I lay behind a bush hoping nobody but Nate would find me. Every noise, made my heart race. I felt my attacker was watching and could pounce at any moment.

Now the sound of the sea was aggressive. It crashed into my head with each wave and made me clench my teeth. I pushed my face towards the dirt, finding the rich earth smell appealing. My sense of smell was sharper. Maybe this was a side effect of stress after being attacked.

"Kya, is that you?" I heard Nate call.

I tried to answer but just managed a groan. I raised my arm to help him spot me. He was nearby and had come to rescue me. I felt hope. My spirits raised.

Then his arms wrapped around me as lifted me into his arms. "Oh Kya, how drunk are you?"

"No, I'm not, " But my words came out slurred. My thoughts felt foggy. Hadn't drunk enough alcholdto be drunk not this drunk.

"Tom, come give me a hand!"

Oh no, he had brought company. I wanted to shrink away and tried to slink down to the floor but Nate had a hold of me and keep me up.

"Been spiked!" I gasped as another pair of arms came to help hold me up. They helped me walk through the gardens.

I tried to open my eyes but everything was fuzzy. As we passed two shapes of people a woman's voice said, "Is she alright?"

"She will be, " Nate replied, "I'm taking her to her parents."

"No, " I cried, "They'll be so mad." I was frustrated with the way the words came out all merged together.

"If she's sick, you're cleaning my car. I want a proper ballet service, inside and out for this." I heard Tom click a key fob and I realised I was being folded into a car.

I dragged myself into the seat and was pleased when Nate got in beside me to do my seat belt. My nose inhaled him and his sense chased away the fear and made me feel safer, "Don't leave me."

He brushed hair from my sweaty head. I was sure I looked awful but even with my blurred vision I recognized his sweet smile, "I'm right here."

"Can we go to yours?" I croaked. My throat felt dry.

"If she's been spiked, we should take her to the hospital, " Tom said.

"No hospital." I panicked imagining those bright lights and all the questions. I just wanted to be left alone, to sleep and gather my thoughts.

"Do you mind taking us?" Nate asked.

I growled. I was too weak to fight them. The main road to the hospital was dark. It wasn't until we got closer to the residential part that it began to light up. The boys helped me out of the car and to the A&E waiting room.

Tom sat with me whilst Nate spoke to the Receptionist.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better," I mumbled. It was true. I felt the fog was beginning to clear. I was starting to see more clearly. Nate came back and I leaned against his shoulder, enjoying the comfort of being close to him.

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