Chapter 21

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It had been a fun flight home. We were all merry on booze as we flew home, diving into the river Orwell. The water sprayed up on both sides around me, like a beautiful watery curtain. The moonlight blinking off the water, sparkling like the stars in the night sky, making it look like a majestic carpet. We played all the way home and when the river opened up to the sea, we finally beat our wings, the water spraying away as we rose up to the sky.

"You take off Kya," I heard Cronus' voice in my head. "You have school in the morning."

I groaned. He was right but I was having so much fun. I knew not to mess with him and departed from the murder, heading across the cliff tops where I had first met them. I recognised the familiar territory of my neighbourhood. I landed in my backyard and transformed. I walked into my house and made a note to myself that I should leave my bedroom window open in the future so I can hop straight into my room.

Morning came too soon. My friends were talking about their exams and that this week was the last week of classes.

"Where has the time gone," Fallon shook her beautiful head of blonde curls, "It feels like only yesterday we were those fresh faced years sevens starting high school for the first time."

Arizona hugged us both, "I'm so glad that we became friends."

"Next year is going to be so different. I'm kind of scared. What are you guys planning to do?"

"A Levels," Arizona answered. "I'm going to the college as they have better science equipment than our school"

"I'm still undecided," I shrugged.

"Well, isn't anyone going to ask what I am doing?"

"What will you be doing Fallon?" I laughed.

"I'm doing my ALevels, Law and English. Here is the juicy part," She squealed with excitement, "I have secured a summer work placement at a local law firm, and if I pass my A Levels, they have agreed to take me on as a Paralegal to do my Law Apprenticeship."

"That's amazing Fallon!" I gushed.

"Congratulations," Arizona gushed.

What do I want to do for the rest of my life?

I wished I could be as insight as my friends. They just knew what they wanted and they went after it whereas I had no direction. It felt like such a huge decisions even now when I knew I had aeons of lifetime to figure it out.

"With school finishing this week for home revision, we should definitely celebrate." Arizona stated.

"I'm one step ahead of you," Fallon said, "My house, tomorrow night."

"What about Nate?" I asked. I still wasn't ready to speak to him.

Fallon gave me a steely look, "He's my brother. I can't turf him out my house. This is why you don't date your best friends brother. You went there, now you need to deal with it. I'm your best friend and it's my home. Be there!"

I groaned. It wasn't just Nate that was a problem. Cronus had insisted that I be training. I wouldn't have time to socialise. Not until I had killed the werewolf. My heart filled with dread. I was caught between a rock and a hard place.

"I'll be there," I lied.


Cronus was waiting for me in reception. He smiled but didn't say much as he lead the way to the lounge where he conducted most of his training with me. I knew I had to raise about the party even though I anticipated how the conversation would go. I saw Cronus signal to a staff member at the hotel and I guessed he had ordered our afternoon tea again.

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