Chapter 20

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It had been an amazing day at school, it was good to hang out with Arizona and Fallon although I was wary of not letting them too close. Having them back in my life was risky. I had to take care not to drag them into my life but had to equally not make it too obvious that I roused suspicion that encouraged them to snoop.

I had agreed to plans I had no intention of going to. It wasn't that I didn't want to go but I know Cronus needed to me to attend training. He wanted to get me up to speed urgently. I was pretty sure he wouldn't allow me time off to socialise anymore than necessary.

It was awkward when they both expected me to walk home with them and I had to explain, I needed to be somewhere else. Somewhere that was on my way home.

We reached the hotel and I quickly thought up an excuse.

"I've started piano lessons." I lied. It felt so wrong to lie after they had forgiven me and not asked me to explain myself. It was just not spoken about. But, I saw the way Fallon looked at me and I could tell she saw right through me.

"Why did you start that when you have exams to sit. You should have waited until they were out of the way." Fallon judged me. She had already passed her verdict.

"I heard it helps to process the exam nerves."

"Really?" Arizona smiled, "I hadn't heard that. I wish I was learning piano too."

"I best get going," I casually waved over my shoulder as I walked onto the hotel grounds. I walked with my head held high before they could ask me anymore questions. I let out a long sigh like I had dodged a bullet only to be met by Cronus' frown.

"This way missus!" He snapped.

"What did I do?" I gasped, "I came here straight from school, just as you instructed."

He didn't answer but he tightened his fist and I could feel it as if he had gripped my wrist. He Marched down the corridor and I felt myself being dragged along. I ran to keep up with his big strides. I must have looked odd to anyone watching us but nobody could see how Cronus was hurting me.

Once in the lounge we had occupied the previous day, he swung his hand and the door slammed shut.

"I've been told that you have been abusing your power!" He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I've been told that you attacked a mermaid. Princess Mariah."

I laughed. I had to laugh. I couldn't believe it. Mariah was a fucking princess. Of course she was. She couldn't be an ordinary girl that stole my boyfriend, stole my brother and god knows what else she wanted. She could have it all. She was a princess. Mother fucking royalty. I felt my blood boil at the injustice of it all and the room darkened as my sarcastic laughter halter, "And, what about it."

Cronus growled. "You can't do that. As the law, we have to uphold the standard. We are role models to the whole hidden world. We need to be trusted to do what is right."

"Sound frigging boring to me." I snorted.

The wind was hit out of me as my body was lifted up into the air and slammed into one of the mahogany bookcases. The books toppled form the shelves onto me. I looked up at Cronus stunned and scared.

"Do you want to fight me?" He asked, "I am an ancient. I've had years to master my power and I can out power you every time." He rubbed his temples as if speaking to me wore him out, "This is why we should kill children."

My breath caught in my throat with the chill of his cold words. I was scared. He began walking towards me and I waved my hands to lift the books from the floor and throw them towards him. Cronus laughed as he dismissed the books with a wave of his hand sent them flying off into different directions. "Cut it out, before you get hurt."

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