Chapter 21: Magnolia Road Park

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Harry hurried up the stairs—he was still getting used to the staff and he had to think carefully as he said the navigation spell so that he pronounced it precisely and thought carefully about where he was going. It definitely made him feel more confident moving around the space outside his room. Before he put everything he'd had stored under the floorboards in his room into the storage compartment of the staff, he tried using the summoning charm to remove some items.

What if I can't get them out?

He was still struggling with the summoning charm, but eventually, he was able to summon his charms book, his wand, the invisibility cloak, and his broom. He returned all of them to the compartment, though he spent a bit of time just feeling his broom as he leaned against his bed. He loved the heft of it, the feel of the grain against his fingertips and longed to try flying, but resisted the urge—sure that the Ministry of Magic would show up if he started flying around Little Whinging. Maybe he and Ron could try out flying this summer at the Burrow. Maybe he could escape there for a bit.

Finally, he returned the broom to the compartment and then felt around in the floorboards for the other items he had stored there. He found the bit of parchment that Healer Smethwyck had given to Madam Pomfrey and grabbed the anagnóstis to read it.

"Adaptation Course at 56 Charing Cross Road, London.

Adaptation Residency: 29th of June through 30th of July, 1993.

Registration on the 29th of June at 9 am. Questions, contact Healer Jordan at the Residency by Owl."

Harry sat back and sucked in a deep breath. This meant that he only had to make it through Saturday and Sunday and then he could leave the Dursleys for a month! Maybe after the training, he could go to the Burrow instead of returning to Privet Drive (on my birthday!). He held onto the note hardly daring to breathe.

It is a ticket out of here!

He didn't care what kind of training it was, it was away from Dudders, Vile Vernon, and endless chores. He felt like he was floating! He listened to the message a few times to commit the address to memory. If he had to walk there on his own, he'd do it.

Next, he listened to Professor Dumbledore's message to Aunt Petunia—it was very much like the letter Dumbledore had sent to Harry—and a little subdued, he put it and the rest of the items from under his bed in his staff, pushing away his fears that he'd not be allowed back at Hogwarts.

He tried out minimizing the staff and using it in his pocket—it was a nice feature—rather like having Nio hus cherio kisa wrapped around his neck, but not nearly as comforting or companionable. He restored it to its normal size to go to the park because he felt more confident feeling the ground with it. It was only 2:30 pm—surely he had time to get out for a little bit. He could listen to the other leaflets later. Also, he had planned to use the time to learn how to navigate around the house without reaching with his hands, and now he could simply put the staff in his pocket and listen to the directions.

Maybe Dudley won't notice that I'm blind. He is pretty dense.

As he was heading down the stairs, the doorbell rang.

Harry froze on the steps. Who could it be? He was tempted to pretend that he wasn't home, but it was likely that whoever it was had already seen him descending the stairs through the window by the door. A very clean window!

He walked slowly down the rest of the stairs and opened the door, "Hello?" he asked to the space outside the door. He was still holding his staff and remembered the directions for a description of the space around him. He held it off the floor and squeezed it firmly twice and the voice in his head started describing the doorway and front porch... "and a short older woman with wispy gray hair wearing a worn purple housecoat and carrying a grocery bag on her right arm." He squeezed it again so that the voice was silenced.

Basilisk EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora