Chapter 115: Matris poenitet

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Somehow Godric had managed to usher Harry, Tony, and Arig around Healer Jordan's shield charm, the irate Mrs. Montague, and the inquisitive Rita Skeeter through to the herb garden. It was a relief to have the garden door shut out the angry shouts and explosive tension. Harry sucked in a deep breath of the mingled herb scents contained in the garden in an attempt to steady his fluttering heart.

He was glad that he was able to use his staff again and was still marveling at having the use of his hands back. He had a moment of empathy for Tony.

"Godric, did you really summon the Ministry of Magic? Are they going to arrest my mum?" Tony asked.

"I don't think they'll arrest her—but she did violate our privacy code and it is a serious breach bringing in a reporter. I think the reporter will get arrested. But I'm really not sure what will happen. I just hope we can keep it out of the papers. But we shouldn't be discussing this. Privacy and all that," Godric said as he pushed through another door that led to the corridor.

"I can't believe she brought that Skeeter witch here!" Tony moaned.

"Yeah, it's pretty awful, mate," Arig agreed.

"I thought she knew how much that piece she wrote about me tore me up! I can't believe she'd do that..."

They walked in silence for a bit.

When Arig's stomach rumbled loudly he asked, "is breakfast still open?"

"Er, no. But how about we head to the dining hall? I'll see what we can conjure," Godric said.

"I thought food couldn't be conjured," Tony said. "Gamp's law and all that."

"Right—just a figure of speech," Godric said as his staff tapped along in front of the group, leading them through the great doors into the dining hall.

"I've been meaning to ask—who prepares the food at the Center?" Arig asked.

"The Center has a mission to serve underserved populations and one way it does that is by providing employment to wixen as well as non-magical people and creatures who have difficulty finding employment," Godric explained, though there was something in his voice that made Harry feel as though it was a difficult topic for him. "It's not charity, rather it is an attempt to provide opportunity when other avenues are closed because of ignorance or prejudice."

"Oh, I just figured you used house elves," Tony said.

"House elves? Really?" Harry blurted out.

"You know, like Hogwarts," Tony said. "And most wizarding institutions."

"Oh, I thought it was just old wixen families that had house elves," Harry said.

"I keep forgetting that you were raised by muggles!" Tony said. "That must be so weird!"

Harry grimaced.

"Hey," Godric countered.

"Oh, right, sorry, Mr. Burbage. No disrespect," Tony backpedaled.

"Thank you, Tony," Godric said in a tight voice.

"Wait here, and I'll see what the options are," Godric said and he walked across the dining hall away from them.

Harry heard Arig scooting a chair out a little at a time and found a seat next to him. He pulled it out.

"You want to sit here, Tony?" Harry asked then pulled out the next one for himself.

"Thanks, mate," Tony said settling into the chair. "Oh, Merlin's pants! I don't have my arms. I hate this. I don't even know if they still work! I mean, I'm healed, but what happened to my arms? Last time I saw them they were fried."

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