Chapter 35: Upended

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As they walked past the map, Harry wished he could have looked at it on his own without everyone watching him because he was getting a little confused about the layout now that they were heading down another corridor.

Harry's mortification was ebbing as he listened to Hermione chattering on about how excited she was to check out the library. She was rushing a little and guiding him around people to get closer to the library and occasionally rising up on her toes to get a better look. Again, it sounded like big doors were being opened.

"Oh, Harry! It's an amazing library. So much bigger than Hogwarts!"

Her glee was barely contained. He could smell the books—they had a familiar dusty, musty aroma that reminded him of Hermione (in the best possible way). She was trembling under his hand as they passed through the doors into the room. It felt spacious, like the other rooms, but didn't sound hollow. The light was bright in here and Harry shut his eyes against it.

Healer Jordan was explaining the history of the library and how it came to be a part of the Center. Hermione was twitching now and he knew that she was fighting with her nature to listen raptly to Healer Jordan and her desire to run to the stacks and start reading. He couldn't pay attention to Healer Jordan with Hermione nearly bouncing next to him.

When Healer Jordan said they could have a few minutes to explore the room, Hermione took Harry's hand and placed it on her dad's arm and took off.

"Hi, Dr. Granger."

"Is there something you'd like to look at, Harry?"

"I dunno," Harry mumbled. "Is there anything interesting nearby?"

"Well, over here there's a globe of the world and it is pretty large and all the continents are in relief. You might like it," Dr. Granger said as his torso twisted away from Harry.

He started walking toward it and Harry followed. Dr. Granger lifted Harry's hand off his arm and placed it on the globe. Harry's staff struck the base of the globe's stand at the same time and it announced: "The Lieutenant James Holman Globe of the World."

Harry was intrigued by the texture on the sphere and started following it with his fingertips. The aftí in Harry's ear started talking, "Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates known for... " as he moved his fingers, it continued to give him facts about the cities and countries that he found.

"That is pretty cool."

He worked his way through the middle east toward India. He noticed that in addition to the audio provided by his aftí there were also braille notations and the rivers were etched in a different texture than the lines dividing countries. Mountain ranges were easy to discern by their distinctive texture.

One of the little kids from the family was also exploring the globe with a running dialog of what they were finding in a chirpy little voice.

"Here's the ocean where the whales sing, and here's a big mountain where the bears sleep in caves."

Harry was reminded of little Oliver Franklin Evans from the park in Little Whinging. The child wanted to spin the globe and it would lurch, but Harry would steady it with his hands and the child would stop the attempt. Harry wondered if Dr. Granger who was standing quietly next to him was administering quelling looks.

Harry was in China following the Yangtze river to Wuhan when Hermione joined them again, breathless from her explorations.

Healer Jordan had indicated that they were going to continue the tour and Harry could hear the group moving toward the door.

"What did you find, Hermione?" Harry asked as he grasped her arm.

"Oh, well, they have an extensive section in braille and a balance of muggle and wixen publications. Do you think they'll let me come here and study? There is so much I'd like to explore."

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