Chapter 32: 56 Charing Cross Road

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Harry, Hermione, and Dr. Granger stepped forward and Hermione gasped and Dr. Granger muttered a quiet, "oh." Harry could tell from the immediate quiet and gentle echoes that they were in a large open space. There was a scent of potions in the air and the temperature was cooler than it had been on the noisy, exhaust-filled street; it was less muggy, too.

Harry turned to Hermione, "What does it look like, Hermione?" he whispered, but his voice seemed to carry in this empty chamber.

"It's very beautiful, Harry. It is open and filled with a soft light that reminds me of being underwater and looking up at the sun through the water, it is shimmery and green and blue and yellow all at once. It's really calming."

"Oh, it feels calming to me, too." Some of his trepidation about this training dissipated. "Where do you think we need to go?" Harry asked, breaking a bit of the spell they seemed to be under.

"Oh, yes. It looks like there is a desk over there and someone is sitting behind it."

Harry felt Hermione's arm move as if she were pointing. He stepped around her to switch places with her, grasping her arm when she had been holding onto his, and moved his staff to his left hand.

"Will you take me there, please?"

"Oh, sorry, Harry. I forgot. I... "

"It's okay, 'Mione."

Their footsteps echoed around them as they walked over to the desk; Dr. Granger's followed a little behind them. Harry noticed that Dr. Granger, who had guided them so thoughtfully through the train and underground journey, was now hanging back a bit.

He probably feels more comfortable in the muggle world.

When Harry's staff, which he had been holding a little in front of him as he walked with Hermione, touched the base of the desk, it informed him, "You have reached the reception desk for the Perenelle Flamel Adaptation Center."

Harry let go of Hermione's arm and stepped forward to find the ledge of the reception desk with his hand. He was intrigued to find that there was a texture of raised dots on the surface of the desk and momentarily distracted, he ran his fingers over it.

Braille. This is braille.

"Welcome to the Perenelle Flamel Adaptation Center. I'm Godric Burbage. How may I help you?" The voice greeting them was low and clear—and sincerely welcoming.

"Hi, I'm Harry Potter. I was told to come here for the Adaptation Training that starts today at 9 am."

As Harry was speaking, he heard the footsteps of people entering through the same entry point they had just come through and, for a brief moment, the sounds of Charing Cross Road rang through the space.

"Oh, yes. We're expecting you. I will let Healer Jordan know that you've arrived. If you could please take a seat—there are benches directly behind you and about 7 yards from here. You have companions with you?"

"Er, yes. My friend Hermione Granger and her father, Dr. Granger, helped me get here today."

"They are welcome to join you on the tour of the Center that will start at 9:30 am."

"Oh!" said both Hermione and her father.

"Thank you," said Harry and he turned around to find the waiting area.

"Would you like to go on the tour, Hermione and Dr. Granger?" asked Harry as they walked to the benches. "I know you want to get to the British Museum, so no worries if you want to head out. I'll be fine."

"What do you think, Hermione?"

Hermione guided Harry to the bench and he tapped his staff on the ground three times to collapse it and put it in his pocket.

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