Chapter 30: Train to Waterloo

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Harry and Hermione stood on the platform waiting for the train to London with Dr. Granger. Harry had shaken out his staff to restore it to its normal size so he could show Hermione how he used it to get around.

"That's really impressive, Harry," Hermione commented when he walked around a rubbish bin to demonstrate how useful it was.

"Here, you want to try?" he held it out to her.

"Oh, I don't know, Harry," she said hesitantly, but she took it from his hand and held still while he tried to put the aftí on her ear. After a bit of awkward fumbling that involved getting his hands tangled in her hair, she smoothed it back and guided his hand to her ear so that he could put it on. He heard her walking around, tapping the ground. "It's not saying anything, Harry," she said.

"You've extended your index finger down the length, right? Are you swinging it from left to right in an arc in front of your body as I showed you?" he asked, "and stepping with your opposite foot?"

"Oh, okay, now it's doing it. That's cool!"

She walked around with it a bit more. Hermione came up next to Harry and handed it back to him. She touched the back of his hand with it and then grasped his other hand and turned it palm up to place the aftí in it.

"You can't see the aftí once it is in place, Harry," Hermione remarked.

"Harry, I've been thinking," said Dr. Granger. "Maybe before we catch the train, we should go talk to your Aunt and Uncle."

"Oh, I don't think that would be a good idea, Dr. Granger."

"Why not?"

"Well, they are really busy right now. That's why they couldn't take me." Harry lied again. He'd had parents of friends from primary who'd done similar things... and it had not gone well for Harry. Never had it improved his lot... it had only made things worse.

The train came into the station and Harry could tell that Dr. Granger was torn.

"It's okay. They want me to be independent," said Harry.

"I think this is a bit much, sending a newly blinded child on the train to London to find his adaptation training on his own!"

"Well, they know I have this staff." He held up his staff. "It makes it easier for me, right?"

"Well, all right, but I'm going to give them a call when I get home," Dr. Granger conceded as they boarded the train. Harry held onto Hermione's shoulder and held his staff in his left hand, parallel to his body as they went up the stairs into the car.

Harry was tempted to tell him not to, but decided to let it go.

Maybe he'll forget.

"Harry, don't you have more luggage?" Dr. Granger inquired when the got on and found their seats. "I understand that this course you're taking will last a month."

"I've got it all with me, Dr. Granger. My staff holds a lot," he said leaning in close so that he didn't have to say it too loudly. He collapsed it and put it in his pocket.

"That is truly amazing."

The train started to pull out of the station and Harry sat back in his seat feeling a bit tired and a little content. It felt really good to be sitting next to Hermione and her dad, though, he had a niggling worry for Hedwig.

I hope she's all right!

"Harry, how'd you crack your glasses?" Hermione asked.

"I ran into a door."

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