Chapter 33: The Perenelle Flamel Adaptation Center

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"Healer Jordan, could you please take me to the reception desk so that I can ask Mr. Burbage about my owl?" Harry asked as they walked back down the corridor.

"Sure, Harry," Healer Jordan said. "Oh, and I meant to tell you that there will be a weekend event in a few weeks when we invite your families and friends to come and learn how to do all these things including how to be a sighted guide. That information was sent out with the forms."


"Here's the reception desk," Healer Jordan announced as she took Harry's hand from her arm and placed it on the ledge of the desk. "Godric, Harry has a question for you. Harry, I need to leave you here to get our tour started. Your friends are coming over."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Burbage?" Harry asked the air in front of him, not really sure where Godric was as he hadn't heard him move since they arrived.

"Yes, Harry?" His voice was nearer than Harry was anticipating. Hermione and her father were talking quietly not far from him.

"Oh, well, I was wondering if my owl Hedwig had arrived here? I was expecting her at my house last night, but she didn't arrive and this morning I had to leave. So I'm hoping that she found me here—do you know?"

"Oh, well, we'll have to check the owlery after the tour. I haven't heard that a new owl arrived, but often there are several who do show up when we start the residency program," Mr. Burbage explained.

"All right, thank you," Harry turned away from the desk, shook out his staff, and walked toward Hermione's voice.

"How was the registration?" Hermione asked, touching his arm.

"Okay, I guess. They wanted to know stuff about my medical history," Harry shrugged.


"Yeah," said Harry, "Healer Jordan said that there is going to be a weekend when we can invite friends and family to come and learn about how to be a... a sighted guide," Harry searched for the phrase. "Would you want to come to that?"

"Oh, yes. I'll see if I can come. Did they say which weekend?"

"No, I guess they sent the information to the Dursleys," Harry grimaced, and then remembered that Hermione's father was standing right there, "I'm sure we can ask," he hurried on.

"Did you find out if Hedwig is here?"

"They don't know, but said we can check the owlery after the tour."

There was the tinkling sound of a clear, bright bell and the voices in the reception area died down. Harry turned toward the bell.

"If you could all gather around, we are ready to begin our tour of the Perenelle Flamel Adaptation Center," Healer Jordan's voice rang through the reception area. The gathering crowd seemed larger than he thought it would be.

I don't know how big I was expecting it to be. How many newly blinded wizards can there be?

He had never noticed any before this happened to him.

Hermione moved closer to Harry and started to take his hand. He squeezed it, then ran his hand up her arm to find the spot just above her elbow, and grasped her arm gently. She moved closer to Healer Jordan's voice and Harry could feel more people around them, hear their breath (someone's breath was rather labored). Harry was fairly certain that it was Dr. Granger who stood behind them.

"Welcome to the Perenelle Flamel Adaptation Center and the beginning of our four-week residency program for those of you adapting to a life-altering event. We are going to lead you on a tour of facilities with your families so that they can understand where you'll be for the next month and, we hope, feel comfortable leaving you in our care. Before we start, I would like to remind you to respect each other's privacy and not discuss the private concerns of individuals with others."

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