Chapter 119: Gulpin' gargoyles

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"It's okay, just try it again. We can repair the table later. This time try slashing your wand through the air instead of just pointing to one spot—you're going to have to use the clues you have for your opponent's location. Rather than a specific location where you direct your spell, you're going to think of an area and keep that general area in your mind as you cast the spell. Now, from the top," Professor Lupin directed.

Harry listened intently to Professor Lupin's footsteps and the subtle swishing of his robes. He could hear Aminah scuff her feet on the stone floor beside him, and beyond the Professor, he could hear the grindylow in the tank sliding its nails against the glass. A stale warm breeze from the corridor was blowing in from the open door to the office to the right of the Professor.

Harry stepped forward and in one quick motion made a slashing zed motion while he thought the incantation... Rictusempra!

This time Professor Lupin burst into laughter and Harry knew his spell had hit its mark.

"Well done, well done!" Professor Lupin hooted as his wand clattered to the floor. There was a mad scrambling sound coming from the grindylow tank.

Harry used the same motion to end the charm and the screeching noise behind the Professor stopped, too.

"Did I hit the grindylow?"

"It appears so," Professor Lupin confirmed taking gulps of air and falling loudly into the armchair by his desk. "I don't think he liked it."

"What did you do, Harry—how did you hit him with the spell this time?" Aminah asked.

Harry explained how he figured out where Professor Lupin was and then imagined the space around him. "I guess I included the grindylow in that space and I should have thought of the space just before the sound of the grindylow... though I'm going to have to practice some more, because I keep thinking of the grindylow whenever I'm imagining the area."

Harry closed his eyes as he concentrated and it was as if he could taste the space in the room with his mouth. It was an odd sensation.

"Okay, Aminah—I'm ready for you to try again," Professor Lupin said as he walked toward the center of the room. Harry moved over to the side, behind Aminah so that she'd have room to work. He could tell that Professor Lupin was trying to be quiet, but he could still hear him moving.

"Engorgio!" Aminah shouted.

There was a whooshing sound as if all the air was being sucked from the room—Harry could feel it whipping past him along with sounds of the furniture moving across the stone floor in a cacophonous squeal and ripping.

"Oi! What's happening?" Harry and Aminah yelled simultaneously. "Professor, are you okay?"

There was a pained moan from near the ceiling.

"Aminah, end the charm!" Harry shouted.

"Fi... fi... finite incantatem!

The air started moving back past them, the furniture squealed again making Harry clutch his ears and there was a large thud ending in an "oomph!"

Harry rushed forward, swinging his staff before him and Aminah was right behind him.

"Well done, Aminah. Very well done," Professor Lupin said wearily from the floor. "I dare say, I should have blocked that one. Just didn't think it would be quite so forceful."

"Oh, Professor. I'm so sorry!" Aminah said.

"Not to worry! You performed perfectly. Nicely executed spell," Professor Lupin said as he struggled to get to his feet. He cast some repairing charms on his clothes and the furniture.

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