Chapter 135: Smells just as sweet

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Catching up with the O&M class was a little more challenging than Harry anticipated. They weren't just out and about in the little village surrounding the rec center.

"Harry, we're fairly certain that you'll be safe traveling in muggle London with the group, but we are going to recommend a disguise just in case... especially since that Daily Prophet article just came out. Healer Jordan said that there was one you used before that you liked."

"Oh, yes. Haripreet Batra... he's a friend of Hermione's from New Delhi. Though Healer Jordan thought it wasn't safe to use that disguise again because she thought that the reporter noticing me using it at St. Mungo's."

"She's got that situation in hand, so she said you could use it again if you want. She said that you have a back story and all—that makes it easier."

"Oh, sure. That's fine."

After she transfigured Harry's appearance, Besel led Harry to the apparition point a couple of blocks away and they traveled by side-along apparition to a hidden spot underneath the Waterloo bridge to meet up with the group as they walked along the Thames.

"You okay, Harry?" Besel asked.

"Ugh. This always happens," Harry said as he crouched over the bucket, and then rinsed his mouth with a small stream of water from his wand. He spit the water in the bucket and then vanished his sick and pushed the bucket back into his staff. "I hate apparition. The funny thing is that I was fine on the galleon in the middle of a storm. You'd think that would be worse."

"How was traveling through the painting?" Besel asked.

"Not quite so bad. I didn't spew. Isn't it the same process?"

"Similar, but I think apparition takes more of a toll on your body."

Harry's thoughts went to Tony and his splinched arms.

They were quiet for a moment in the cool shade listening to the ferries and other boats going by on the Thames, a nearby family of chortling ducks, and the whistle of swallows swooping below the bridge. The cars and lorries speeding overhead on the Waterloo bridge rattled through his bones and the dank mustiness of the river invaded his nostrils and coated his tongue.

"All right now? Why don't you unbuckle your wand and holder and store them in your staff. Is there anything you'd like to take out of your staff? No magical tools, of course. Why don't you get those now? Here's your muggle cane. From this point on, you're a muggle and using non-magical tools to navigate. Don't worry—this apparition spot has muggle repelling charms, so we're not going to be noticed down here."

Harry put away his wand and retrieved his book bag, a bottle of water, some muggle money, and a handkerchief from this staff and then held his staff out to Besel. He stuffed everything into his book bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Here you go," she said as she pressed the muggle cane into his hand. It was lightweight and flexible—bowing when he leaned against it. The handle was more narrow than his staff and the strap grazed his fingers. He missed the weight and texture of his staff.

"Wait—don't put your hand through the strap. That could be a danger if you got caught on something like a moving car... you could be pulled along. The strap is used to keep the cane together when it is folded. This one folds by pulling apart the sections—they are held together by an elastic cord threaded through the center. Yes—you should practice folding it. It has a red band at the bottom and is otherwise white. If you drop this one (and you can expect to) you can't summon it back—so you'll need to listen carefully to hear where it drops. Try not to panic when it happens."

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