Chapter 36: Waves

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"Hermione, I want to take off my shoes and feel the sand and ocean between my toes," Harry said as they neared the crashing waves and inhaling a deep breath of the briny sea air. "Do you think we have time?"

"I guess. Other people are doing it, too, and Healer Jordan is talking with Mei now."

"I wonder what her deal is," Harry said under his breath.

"Yeah. She looks really angry. I almost feel like she did that to us on purpose."

"Why would she do that?"

"Who knows? You'd think she'd be happy to be near the ocean... " Hermione said.

"Why's that?" Harry asked.

But Hermione didn't answer... she had stopped and was bending over. Harry let go of her arm.

"Let's take our shoes off here before we step in the wet sand."

Harry used his staff for balance as he stripped off his shoes and socks. He set his book bag on the sand next to them.

The sand was hot, almost too hot and he stepped from foot to foot.

"Oh, wow! That burns!"

"Oh, yes, it does. Let's move this way, it'll be cooler over here where it is wet," Hermione tapped the back of his hand and he grasped her arm and they stumbled in the sand until they reached the firmer, wet sand.

"That's much better," Harry sighed as the water-cooled sand soothed his feet. He could hear the children shrieking with delight. It sounded like they were chasing the waves and the seagulls in turns.

"Wouldn't it be cool if Hogwarts had a room like this that opened up to the ocean? Do you think we're traveling to the actual ocean or we're in a room that simulates the ocean?"

"I don't know. It looks real," Hermione said.

"Either way, it is really incredible," Dr. Granger said behind them, "this is an amazing world you get to experience."

"I want to put my feet in the ocean." Harry bent down and rolled up his jeans.

"I bet it is cold," Hermione said as they walked toward the water. Harry stepped on something sharp and winced.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see that shell, Harry. Did it cut you?"

Harry felt the bottom of his foot. "I don't think so."

A frothy wave washed over his feet.

"It's warm, Hermione," Harry said, laughing.

He wanted to run into the water just like the little kids were doing and he pulled on Hermione's arm and then let go and just started running and stumbling into the waves.

"Wait, Harry! We'll get wet!" She ran after him. Another wave broke over his feet and doused his trouser legs and Harry shouted in surprise and delight.

One of the kids ran close by them, sand flicking up from their feet as they passed and splattering their legs.

Hermione laced her fingers through Harry's hand and he pulled her forward, wanting to go deeper into the water. He didn't care that his trousers were getting soaked.

Another wave came and splashed up into their faces and they retreated a bit, sputtering at the water, laughing.

Further down the beach, Harry heard Healer Jordan trying to get their attention.

"I guess we have to head out. I hope we can come back here. This is amazing," Harry declared.

"Yeah, it is incredible," Hermione said, hugging him unexpectedly; her hair blowing across his face.

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