Chapter 53: Landing on Fernando Po

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Harry turned to Adam as people were moving toward the painting to begin their journey through it, "Thank you for healing my cuts and drying my shoes, Adam."

"It was no problem, Harry, I was glad to help," Adam replied. "Now, here is your young friend who is always guiding you. I don't think she knows I'm here. I'm going to go help Fitz, but maybe another time you can introduce me to her when we have more time?"

"Oh, yes, Gemma. Um, yes, I will. Thank you!" Harry dropped his hand from Adam's arm and listened as he walked away. He felt Gemma's hand lightly touching the back of his hand and he lifted it up so that she could write on it.

"Hi Gemma, How did everything go? Did Mei get down the mountain okay? And Aminah?" Maybe he should have waited with Tony for all of them and they could have helped each get down the mountain. He felt a little disappointed in himself that he hadn't considered waiting until just now.

Maybe that's why Healer Jordan sent them down the path in the first place... well, we didn't fail completely, he thought.

Gemma tapped his palm twice for each question, then wrote: "W-H-O" space "T-A-L-K" space "T-O" space "N-O-W-?"

"I was talking to Adam, he healed our cuts—Tony's and mine" Harry explained as they moved closer to the painting (Harry trusted that that was the direction they were headed).

She wrote "I-N-V-I-S-I-B-L-E-?" on his palm and Harry nodded before she was done writing the word, she continued "C-U-T-S-?" and he felt a little shudder go through her hand to his.

"We both fell on the path, and I got caught in a thorn bush," he explained and he ran his thumb over his fingertips, relishing the feeling of the healed skin.

She opened his palm again and wrote, "T-O-N-Y" space "O-K?"

He nodded in response.

They moved forward and Harry took out his staff and shook it out carefully—mindful that there were a lot of people close by.

He thought he heard someone else's staff tap near him and asked, "Aminah, is that you?"

He realized that he recognized her by scent, too, a pleasing flowery scent that wasn't too sweet or overpowering.

"Yes. Hi, Harry."

"How was your trip down the mountain?" he asked.

"It was challenging. Healer Jordan came and helped us. Mei was having a hard time and so Healer Jordan took her directly down to the water, so it was easier when it was just me and Gemma. Gemma's really brilliant, you know?"

"Yes, she is," Harry agreed. "I was wondering how Mei was going to get up the gangplank."

"Do you know what the painting is a picture of?" Aminah asked.


"Yeah, me, neither."

Gemma took Harry's hand and wrote, "P-I-C" space "O-L-D" space "N-A-V-A-L" space "O-F-F-I-C-E-R" and Harry told Aminah what she said.

"Oh," Aminah seemed confused, "Like a muggle? I guess I thought it would be a wizard or something."

"Yeah, me, too."

Gemma let go of Harry's hand and shifted away from him. He felt the air moving near him and could hear hands moving, occasionally hitting their clothes or chest or clapping together and it sounded like someone was making noises with their mouth like they were mouthing words. He guessed that she was signing with someone. He wondered who else here knew BSL.

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