Chapter 83: The Weasleys visit

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Harry was pacing in the reception area. It was a quarter to 10. The Weasleys were due at any moment. So was Hermione. Gemma's family wasn't coming until noon, but she was waiting with Harry. Harry really wanted to go out to the street to wait for them outside, but Besel, who was working at the desk today, said that he really shouldn't do it until he'd had a lesson on how to navigate on a city street filled with people with his staff by himself. He understood, but it didn't make the waiting any easier.

They had just seen Peter off after meeting his older brother, Ivan, who seemed surprised that Peter had made friends with Gemma and Harry who were nearly half his age, but recovered quickly and was gracious and kind. They also learned that Peter's name was really Petro. His brother gave him a hard time for trying to go by the more Anglicized version of his name at the Center. Their little group had been jostled around quite a bit as they tried to talk tactilely with the two brothers shoving each other. It reminded Harry of their exploding snap game the night before.

As he paced, he wondered if Ron would be up for trying exploding snap with braille cards.

He had just made his third circuit of the reception area, his silver tip making a pleasing (to him at least) tinging sound that echoed off the walls when he heard the noises from the street explode into the tranquil waiting room. He stopped and turned toward the wall that must have just opened up into a door.

"Harry!" Hermione squealed, her footsteps slapping on the tile as she ran toward him and then she stopped suddenly. He felt her hand lightly touch his hand that he was holding out toward her and then she hugged him and her hair was flying around his face.

"Hermione," he said, sputtering, trying to get the hair out of his mouth when he hugged her back. He was really glad she was here. He heard other footsteps approaching them and pulled away.

"Is this your mum, Hermione?"

"Yes. Hi, Harry, I'm Emma," Dr. Granger addressed him.

"Hi, Dr. Granger," Harry said and he stuck out his hand which she grasped quickly and let go.

"How are you doing, Harry?"

"Er, okay, I guess," he shrugged.

"Dan was really concerned about you when he and Hermione returned on Monday," Dr. Granger said.

"Oh, well, I'm... fine."

He heard Gemma come up behind him and he turned toward her, holding out his hand "Hermione and Dr. Granger, I want you to meet my friend, Gemma Boot."

"Hi, Gemma, it's nice to meet you," Dr. Granger said.

Gemma's hand left his arm and he guessed that she was signing.

How is she going to communicate with Hermione's mum? he wondered and then he remembered that she had said that her dad was muggle, too. How does she communicate with her dad? Has he learned sign language yet?

But something was going on... "Dr. Granger, do you know sign language?" Harry asked.

"I was just telling Gemma that I know a little—mostly related to teeth! I have a couple patients who sign, so I've learned a bit over the years of treating them."

Gemma's hand fluttered on his arm. It made her happy.

"That's great." Harry smiled.

"The little bits of paper that write out what you're saying, they are for Gemma, right?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, I can teach the incantation to you, too," Harry said. "There are other people here, too, who use them. I guess I'd have to fin—er—end the charm if I went out onto Charing Cross Road, though. I keep forgetting that they are there." He was afraid that he almost ended the charm accidentally. He was holding his staff.

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