Chapter 92: Digitus

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"So you're just learning braille?" asked the clerk.

"Yes, I've really only had one lesson," Harry said, still running his finger over the three letters and finding comfort in it. A word I can read with my fingertips.

"Well, that's pretty impressive then. So, any chance you're working with my friend Godric at the Perenelle Flamel Center?" he asked.

"Um, yes... he's one of my teachers actually," Harry raised his head in the direction of the clerk, paying more attention to him. "He recommended we come here." Harry then stilled... he realized that while Godric was there when they were discussing his disguise, he probably didn't hear them talking about his fake name and that maybe by revealing that he was at the Center, he was blowing his cover. Hermione seemed to think the same thing because she nudged his arm.

"Well, that's good. He did help us choose our line of adaptive magical items and also sends us new ideas constantly," the clerk said. "I'm Chester Davies, by the way, and I'm holding my hand out if you'd like to shake hands."

Harry reached out finding Chester's hand easily, "it's nice to meet you. I'm Haripreet Batra and this is my friend, Hermione Granger and her father is near here somewhere, he's Dr. Granger." He cocked his ear, listening for Dr. Granger, but wasn't sure where he was.

"So, you two go to Hogwarts, don't you?" Chester said. "My brother, Roger, is going to be a fifth year... I'll be starting my seventh year. We're both in Ravenclaw. What years and houses are you?"

"I'll be a third year at start of term," Hermione said. "I'm in Gryffindor. Haripreet will start next year... that is if his family doesn't return to New Delhi."

Harry was a bit put out that Hermione answered for him and tried to direct a look at her, though he wasn't sure she received it.

Is she afraid that I'm going to mess this up?

"So, how does this quill work? Can I try it out?" Harry asked.

"Sure, Accio parchment," Chester said and Harry felt a slight breeze as the paper flew by his face.

It reminded him of Gemma's papers.

I'll have to remember to cast the spell again before Gemma returns.

"The quill's charmed to start transcribing as soon as you touch the tip to a piece of parchment on a flat surface (that's to protect it from starting to transcribe randomly in your book bag). So, let's move over to this counter—and roll out the parchment," Chester instructed.

Harry shook out his staff, following Chester's voice and footsteps to the counter. Hermione hovered behind him. Harry reached out and found the countertop expecting glass, but was surprised by a well-worn and oiled wood. He leaned his staff against his shoulder, in the crook of his arm, and transferred the quill to his left hand, then found the parchment by following the sounds of the paper being smoothed out on the wood.

"That's right, now put the tip of the quill near the top left-hand corner," Chester instructed. "Oh, wait, do you want it to write in braille or cursive?"

"Let's try braille first," Harry said.

"Okay, so press gently against the word braille on the quill—you'll notice that the nib will turn to a stylus point—then set it down," Chester said.

Harry felt the tip—it had transformed into a thick, blunt needle shape.

"Near the top left-hand corner?" Harry asked.

"No, actually—it'll be like a slate and stylus—so you'll want to put it in the top right-hand corner, and then you'll read it from the other side from left to right," Chester said.

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