Chapter 59: Gaps in communication

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Harry's need to use the toilet was getting more urgent and it interrupted his brooding. He didn't want to talk to Mr. Burbage again. He wanted to ignore him for the rest of the training if he could.

He heard Tony stand up and leave the area and he wondered if he was in the same predicament. He thought for a moment, then stood up and shook out his staff. He'd follow Tony. At the very least, he could ask Tony to lead him to Healer Jordan.

Someone stood up near him and touched him gently on his arm. Gemma. He turned a smile toward her and she squeezed his arm.

He put his palm out so that she could write in it if she wanted and she drew a question mark across his palm.

He said softly, "Do you know where the toilet is?"

She tapped once, "No."

"Can you lead me to Healer Jordan so I can ask?" Harry asked.

She tapped twice, "Yes," and he took her arm. "Thank you, Gemma," he said.

"Is the storm almost over?" he asked as she started walking along the narrow passage guiding him around people's legs and chairs. When she didn't respond with a squeeze or a tapping of fingers on his hand, it dawned on him that she probably couldn't see his question.

"Yes, it's nearly over. I think we'll be headed back soon," said someone nearby.

"Thanks," Harry said as they passed; Gemma didn't pause, unaware of the side conversation.

As they walked through the crowded room, Harry was trying to guess how many people were in there—sixteen residents and how many people were nonresidents? Plus Healer Jordan, Mr. Burbage, and Lieutenant Holman—twenty or so? It was a pretty small space for so many people. Probably smaller than the living room at Privet Drive.

Ugh. Why did I think of that? Why not my dormitory in Gryffindor tower?

And the stone walls and four-poster beds with their velvet red and gold drapes rose in his memory, colored by how happy and safe he'd felt there.

Gemma had stopped and Harry could hear Tony talking to Healer Jordan nearby. Harry could feel Gemma signing and let go of her arm so that she'd have full use of her arms for talking.

"Harry, Gemma says you're looking for the toilet," Healer Jordan addressed him.

"Yes, is there one?"

"Yes, I was just telling Tony—it isn't very obvious in this room—I must have announced the location of it before your group reached the shelter. It is just past me, three yards straight ahead and then turn left and you'll find the door. Tony's using it now and it serves one person at a time. The storm is nearly over, and we'll go back to the ship as soon as I have set up the Egress. Everyone is really tired and there is too much debris from the storm to walk back safely. I'll have it set up so that we travel directly to the deck of the ship. I was just about to tell the group," Healer Jordan explained.

"What?! Why did we have to hike down the mountain and then climb up the gangplank if there was an easy way to get to the deck of the ship?"

The question burst out of Harry before he could stop it. He flinched, putting his hand over his mouth, and took a step back, expecting to be hit for his impudence.

"Oh, Harry," Healer Jordan's response was calming, though he could tell she was surprised. "You sound really angry."

He gulped in a breath and hung his head, embarrassed that he hadn't been able to control the outburst. "I'm sorry, Healer Jordan, I... " he started to say, but she interrupted him.

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