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At the break of dawn, Homura was on her feet and moving around the room, making sure she had gotten all of her belongings before they were ready to leave. She put on her Kyoshi warrior armour and fixed her make-up, even though it felt peculiar to know she was going home dressed as a warrior of the Earth Kingdom. But then again, the Fire Nation hadn't been her home in years.

Her thoughts were running wild that morning as she collected her few belongings and with a small bag at hand, made her way to the sculpture of Avatar Kyoshi in the middle of the village. Hardly anyone was awake at this hour, she knew, but this was the main reason she loved this part of the day. Sitting at the feet of Avatar Kyoshi, she watched the dawn without making a sound.

In the horizon, the thin purple line of night was vanishing as the time passed, in the distance, the sea glimmering, reflecting the light of the sun. The nature around her seemed to slowly wake up along with the rest of the world, and she allowed herself to smile as she drifted off to a treasured memory.

The grass was soft beneath her hands as she inched closer to the small pond, her eyes wide as she watched the turtle ducks swimming around. She didn't have anything to feed them but they came over anyway, and she couldn't help but smile at the sight. It was the first time in all her seven years of life she had seen turtle ducks. They didn't have any at home and this was the first time her parents had let her go to the palace while they had a war meeting with the Fire Lord. To say the least, she was enjoying herself quite a bit.

She was shaken to the present by a loud laugh followed by a groan.

"I don't even know why I agreed to come with you in the first place!"

"Come on, Zuzu, you love our company."

"No, I don't!"

Curious, the girl stood up and followed the noises. There were four children on the other side of the garden, three girls and one boy. She watched, surprised as a girl with short dark hair reached over to the boy and poked his cheek. He glared at her.

"As soon as this meeting is over I'll-"

"Quiet, Zuzu," she cut in, her eyes, flickering like flames, taking in every inch of the garden. She didn't have the time to hide behind the tree beside her when the girl caught sight of her. Her eyes instantly narrowed. "Who are you?"

She didn't have the chance to hide now. She hesitantly walked towards them, briefly taking a look at the other two girls - one with long black hair styled as if it were meatballs and another with a long braid - then her eyes fell on the boy who was suspiciously alike to the girl that had noticed her before she came to a stop a few ways away from them.

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