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Homura retired to her room after dinner, making sure to avoid looking at Zuko for the duration of it as she heard all about Katara's and Aang's travels. She had closed herself off in her room for hours as she attempted to fall asleep, but in the end, she realised she had some trouble laying still. She laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, when faint music reached her ears. She waited, not moving a muscle as she listened carefully. Soon enough, though, she realised someone was playing music.

Homura left her bed at once and changed into a red dress, hastily put on her shoes and brushed her hair before she burst out of her room in search of the music that reminded her of the music her grandmother used to hear. She followed the sound to the garden, unable to keep herself from smiling as the sound got louder and louder until she reached an area beside the training grounds. She stopped some distance away as she examined the scene.

There were musicians playing an upbeat tune. A crowd consisting of nobles had formed in front of the musicians, and in the middle of the crowd, she could make out her friends. Aang was dancing while Sokka, Katara and Toph cheered him on, Ty Lee moving to her own dance in the sidelines and Suki appearing content just standing beside Sokka. With a smile, Homura walked over.

"What's going on here?" she asked as she managed to push her way through the nobles and reach her friends. She was grinning by now as Aang twirled in the air and a couple of nobles clapped.

"Aang's celebrating," Sokka called out with a wide smile.

"How did that happen?"

"He felt like it," Ty Lee grinned as Suki sent Homura an apologetic smile.

"We would have asked you to come but we thought you were asleep."

"That's alright, I understand."

Aang turned to face them expectantly, an arm outstreched as he danced in place. "I need a partner!"

Before anyone could even think about replying, Toph reached behind Katara and pushed her forward. The woman from the water tribe let out a small squeal of surprise as Aang grinned and grabbed her hand, twirling her beneath his arm at once. The crowd around them cheered and Homura joined in with a laugh as Katara recovered from her initial surprise and started dancing.

Their dance reminded Homura of a graceful way of fighting, she realised, and Katara with Aang were in complete sync, as if they had danced like that before. They turned and moved around each other as if they could read each other's minds, and the sight brought her to smile. A short while later, nobles started to dance as well and with a wide smile, she realised everyone was having fun.

"I want to dance too," Ty Lee complained as she looked around her. "Who could be my partner?"

Suki smirked, "Sokka would love to dance with you, Ty Lee."

Before Sokka could protest in any way, Ty Lee had grabbed his arm and had dragged him over to the other pairs. Suki burst out laughing and Homura along with Toph couldn't help but join in. Suki placed an elbow on Homura's shoulder and leaned against her as she watched them with a wide smile.

"It's during times like these I wish I could actually dance."

"It's like fighting," Homura replied as she watched Ty Lee attempt to make Sokka twirl her around. She hardly managed to keep herself from laughing.

"I disagree with your statement."

Homura turned to the voice as she faced their new companion, unable to not smile as she took in Zuko's uncertain expression. He hadn't bothered wearing his headpiece - even his hair was let loose and not in his usual hairdo - and he was looking at Aang and Katara with an expression that almost reminded her of fear.

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