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Zuko hardly managed to sleep that night. He kept moving around in his bed, tossing and turning and screwing up his sheets and a couple of times he left his bed and took a walk around the room in an attempt to calm down but there was no use. The window from his room was facing Homura's house and during the night, he watched it through the thin white curtains. The house seemed still, as was his Uncle's house.

The hours passed and at some point, Zuko finally brought himself to lay back down in his bed. Even from a few rooms away, he could still make out his Uncle's snores. He vaguely remembered how hard it was to sleep with the man in the same house. It was a wonder Suki managed to sleep, or rather, that's what he supposed she did. The room next to his where she resided was still.

Anticipation for the day to come kept him up and when he finally did manage to sleep, after he had thought of countless ways the day could play out, the sun was making an appearance once more in the night sky and a few citizens of Ba Sing Se were already on their way to their work. He was usually rising early but today not even the sun could wake him up. It was hours later and after his Uncle had left to manage his shop that Suki got worried at the silence coming from his room, knocked on his door and when there was no response, got inside.

She couldn't help but smile. Zuko was sleeping, his breathing even as he rested on his side, most of his hair covering his eyes and part of his nose, the scarred part of his head pressed into the pillow. The sheets were just covering his waist and despite herself, Suki took a moment to appreciate the sight of a shirtless, vulnerable Zuko before she walked over and came to a stop beside him.

"Zuko," she murmured as she outstreched a hand and placed it on his shoulder. The moment she touched him, he jumped, a flame already forming in his palm. Suki ducked as she grabbed his wrist, her eyes wide. "Zuko, it's me!"

It took about a second for him to recognize her voice. The flame was instantly put out and he moved away as she let his hand go. He breathed heavily as he looked over at Suki, taking in the concern etched on her face before he sighed, his shoulders dropping.

"I'm sorry."

"It was just a reflex, I should have known better than grabbing you in your sleep," she murmured as she sat on his bed, the concern never fading. "I react that way too when someone attempts to grab me in my sleep. Are you alright?"

He nodded as he looked away with a frown. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, you didn't," she assured him as she sent him a smile. "Come on, now. You promised me a proper tour of the Upper Ring. I'm afraid someone slept in so we lost some of our time exploring but don't worry, I forgive that someone."

He couldn't help but smile back as he nodded and stood up, moving to his window. He moved the curtain to the side slightly to look outside and determine just what hour it was, only to realise Suki was indeed right. He had slept in for quite a while.

"I couldn't sleep last night," he admitted as he looked away and turned to face Suki once more. "You should have woken me up earlier."

"I figured you deserved some rest," she shrugged as he let out a sigh and leaned against the wall. Unable to resist the temptation, Suki raised an eyebrow at him.
"Are you going to put on a shirt or what?"

Zuko cleared his throat, a faint blush coating his cheeks as he nodded. "I-I should, Sokka will kill me if he finds out."

"Sokka won't do anything to you," she waved him off with a smile, "I've seen you like that already. Now, if one of your loyal servants were to know-"

"Yeah, I know-"

"What kind of Fire Lord would they think you are-"

"You're enjoying this quite a bit," he huffed as she laughed. "Where did you find these green clothes?"

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