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With the nobles around the palace at their feet, it was hard for Homura to continue doing what she had gotten used to before they had come. Suddenly, every place was filled with people and as a result, she and her friends stayed in their rooms more often. Zuko was locked away in his study almost all day long, despite what Sokka had said about him taking some time off when Toph got to the palace, and she didn't have the chance to tell him about what she had heard during the feast. He had stopped joining them for morning practice as well and as she didn't dare venture outside during the night in case she faced one of the nobles. Long story short, Homura hadn't seen Zuko at all for a few days.

Of course, this couldn't go on forever, not when they were going to the same places most of the time. As per usual she had been in the training grounds, doing exercises to warm herself up when she caught sight of him entering the area. At once, Homura stood up as she greeted him a smile.

"I haven't seen you in days!"

Zuko smiled back but it was rather tired and didn't quite reach his eyes. She tried to not frown as he walked over to her and sat down on the grass beside where she had been standing, one foot over the other as he closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly. It seemed almost as if he was meditating.

"I've been trying to finish with everything beforehand so I have time to spare during the celebration. The nobles haven't been helping my situation and I've gotten a complaint from every person in the group." He opened his eyes. "Except from you. I figured it has to do with the fact we haven't spoken since they came."

Homura didn't attempt to hide the truth as she let out a small sigh. "They're everywhere. I don't have the chance to do all I used to because it seems like there's no privacy anymore. They even come to the training grounds!" She turned to face him and at once, she shook her head. Zuko was tired. She could see it. Ranting to him about something he couldn't fix was only going to make him more frustrated. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't complain, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have managed to be here in the first place-"

"I asked to hear your complaints," he cut in and Homura instantly looked at him once more. "It'll be over soon enough."

"I know," she frowned as she looked once more at her lap, "but then I'll have to go as well."

For a while, he was quiet as his eyes analysed her every move. There were times he couldn't quite understand her. She had something that brought him to think he had met her before, that she was somehow familiar, but then she'd look away and hide from him as if she was ashamed and he would lose all insight to her. At points when talking to her he felt like he was attempting to walk through a field with spikes while his eyes were closed. Despite his obvious difficulty, though, he wanted to learn more.

"You want to stay here for a while longer?"

"I'd love to," she replied without missing a beat, "I wouldn't mind spending my whole life here."

Zuko couldn't help but smile and for a second, she returned his smile before she looked away, shielding herself from him once more. "There's something I need to tell you. Something I overheard during the feast."

He frowned as he nodded. "Go on."

"Some people think-"

"I didn't expect you to be here so early!"

Homura stopped talking at once as she gritted her teeth and turned to face those who had come. It was a bunch of young nobles from all nations, but the one who had spoken was the one she had overheard during the feast. She could have never forgotten him.

He had small eyes the same shade as her own, straight dark hair that just reached his chin he always kept styled in the traditional Fire Nation manner and he was overall a handsome man. But what she had heard him say had ruined his image for her. He could have been the most handsome man on the world and she wouldn't have spared him a glance.

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