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The sun had just set when Homura finally caught sight of the place she had lived in during the first eight years of her life. The sky above her was filled with colours, orange and red and a deep purple as the sun gave its position to the moon, but despite the glorious scenery, she had eyes only for the city they were arriving at.

"I can't believe it," she spoke as they passed by a tower and flew over the houses, over the streets covered in cobblestone - the lanes behind them seemed to light up as torches and lanterns were lit in the absense of the day's light - Sokka led Appa lower and Homura looked up to the palace, unable to not gap at the sight.

The setting sun cast an unearthy glow on the building and for a short while, it appeared to be on fire, but before she could marvel at the sight, they had landed and Ty Lee in her haste to get down accidentally knocked her back on the saddle. Homura didn't have it in her heart to scold her as she followed her and Suki to the ground.

"It's even better than I remembered!" Ty Lee exclaimed as she turned to Suki and Homura, her eyes wide. Before Homura had the chance to say a word, she had jumped beside her and had put an arm over her shoulders, stirring her along in the direction of the palace. "I'm going to show you everything!"

"Wait a minute," Suki called out and Homura stopped, preventing Ty Lee from moving any further. They turned to their leader to see her looking at Sokka who was walking in the other part of the front entrance, a wide smile on his lips. Homura untangled herself from Ty Lee to see what was going on just as Sokka hugged someone. It took her a second to take in the person's clothes before she realised he had no hair. There was only one person it could be.

Avatar Aang exchanged a few words with Sokka before turning to face them. With a wide smile, he walked towards them.

"Welcome to the Fire Nation!"

Homura grinned as Sokka cleared his throat. "I'm pretty sure that's Zuko's line, Aang."

Ty Lee giggled as Suki rolled her eyes, appearing exasperated but Aang only brushed him off before turning to them once more. "I'll take Appa with me so he can rest and I'll leave tomorrow morning. I'll join you during dinner today."

"Excellent," Ty Lee exclaimed as she linked her arm through Homura's. "We just need to get in our room now. Is there someone that's going to show us the way?"

Aang scratched his head, obviously not having a clue. "I don't know, Zuko didn't mention anything-"

"I'll show them the way."

Ty Lee whirled around so fast Homura almost lost her balance. "Mai!"

Homura watched with wide eyes as Ty Lee jumped over to the person that had spoken up and she took a few seconds to scrutinise the newcomer. Mai hadn't changed at all ever since she had last seen her. Her dark hair was still long and styled in two meatballs on either side of her head, and she was the exact opposite of Ty Lee - the girl in her arms was grinning in obvious happiness at being in her presence - Mai seemed impassive, the only sign she was enjoying this the slight curl of her lips. She met Homura's eyes and offered her a short nod as Aang stepped forward to stand beside her.

Homura turned to face him a small smile. "Hey, Aang. Where's Ursa and Kiyi?"

He grinned. "They're on vacation on Ember Island. They'll be here by the time we have the celebration."

"Oh," she frowned slightly. "I wished I could see them, it's been a while."

"So do I," Ty Lee piped in from Mai's side, and at her voice, Aang sat a bit straighter, as if remembering something he was supposed to have asked already.

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