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The next morning, Homura was woken up by Ty Lee who ordered her to put on her swimsuit so they could go to the beach once more. She obeyed, even though she took some time to get ready and wear her swimsuit. After all, she had just woken up, and her bed still seemed rather appealing. In the end, she managed to win over the temptation to stay where she was and left her bed. Just like yesterday, today too everyone else had gotten ready before Homura got down the stairs to meet them. Zuko was there as well. Homura attempted to be discreet as she met his gaze and sent him a smile he returned, even though he blushed slightly. They headed to the beach without missing a moment.

Katara rushed to get in the water like she had done yesterday, Aang and Sokka beside her. Homura didn't follow their lead this time, still feeling rather sleepy. Instead, she laid down on her towel, ignoring Zuko's announcement he was going to get in the water, even though she watched him as he walked away, taking in his built, her eyes falling on the scar on his abdomen before he turned away and she lost sight of it. With Zuko gone, she settled back. Suki, Ty Lee and Toph around her were talking about the play they would watch during the evening when suddenly, Homura was pulled into a wet body.

She let out a shriek as the ground was lost beneath her feet and she tried kicking to get away, but the person holding her didn't loosen their grip as they laughed instead. Her eyes widened at once as she turned to face Zuko, just as he let her go. She shrieked, and fell in the water with a splash.

When Homura resurfaced, her friends were laughing and Zuko was swimming beside her appearing rather pleased with himself, a mischevious twinkle in his eyes she hadn't seen before. She attempted to glare at him.

"I was enjoying the sun!"

"So was I, yesterday."

She splashed some water at him with a huff. He smirked as he swam closer, and before she could prepare herself, he tagged at her hand, pulling her in the water once more. She got out with a gasp as she noticed him get away. She followed after him at once, splashing as much water at him as she could until he dived beneath the water. With a small huff, she turned around. But then, he was tugging at her feet and with a small shriek, she was back in the water.

"You're insufferable," she gasped the moment she resurfaced as she turned around to face him. He was closer than she had calculated, though, and at once, her eyes widened. The side of his lips slowly moved upwards into a smirk she tried to not pay attention to - she failed - she cleared her throat as she looked away, heat rushing to her cheeks.

"Am I?"

She stole a look at him, lowering herself into the water to hide her embarrassment and his smirk widened just slightly as he raised his eyebrow. This time, her eyes darted to his lips and back to his eyes. His expression softened just slightly and she made haste to look away once more. She could make out his hand reaching over towards her through the water, and suddenly, she was aware of her friends a little ways away, most probably watching the whole ordeal. She made her decision before he could reach her.

With a small huff, she splashed him slightly as she swam away, ignoring his laugh of surprise as he followed after her in a leisurely pace.

"What happened out there?" Suki asked as soon as she got out. Sokka, Aang and Katara were still in the water and Zuko had decided to join them. She took some time to look at them only to smile as she noticed they had ganged up against Katara and were trying to splash her. Not a great move, if she were to say so herself, considering the girl was surrounded by water.

"Zuko attempted to drown me, that's what happened," she huffed in an over-exasperated manner as she gathered her hair in her front and squeezed, splashes of water flying everywhere.

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