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The city of Omashu rose from the rocks, almost intimidating with its high walls, mixing well with the scenery all around. Zuko could do nothing but stare at the city he, Suki and Sokka flew over. They had finally reached it after a few days of travelling. It had been Sokka's idea, to find the rest of their friends in Omashu and go in search of Homura all together. He had claimed she was their friend too and after he had been filled in by Suki and Zuko about her past, he had insisted the rest had to know as well. There was no use refusing Sokka when he got his mind set on something, so, they had started their trip as soon as possible. Finally, they had reached Omashu.

Zuko had never been to Omashu and as he got closer, he couldn't help but think this was a city that couldn't have belonged to anyone but earthbenders. Before he had gone to Ba Sing Se, and after he had been in the Nothern Water Tribe where he had seen the city was made of ice, he had been certain all Earth Kingdom cities were like Omashu, made of stone or built deep inside the mountains. Ba Sing Se had been a disappointment in that aspect, but Omashu was just like he had been hoping it would be. He said nothing to Suki and Sokka, of course. He was certain they would tease him without mercy if he told them of the things he had imagined when he was younger.

"Why would Aang, Toph and Katara want to go to Omashu?"

"King Bumi had been a good friend of Aang's more than a hunder years ago," Sokka spoke without looking back from his position at the front of the war balloon. "Aang wanted to stop by and visit and Toph couldn't resist the temptation of seeing one of the greatest earthbenders in the world."

Suki cleared her throat. "I believe she wanted them to have a bending fight."

Sokka sent her a wide smile and Zuko could find no fault in her logic as he slowly attempted to lower the war balloon. He gradually managed to do it, and it stopped a few ways behind the bridge leading to the front gates to the city that remained close. The three friends exchanged vague, almost unsure looks before they left the war balloon and started heading to the front gates. The guards stopped them the moment they got close enough to the city.

"We're the Avatar's friends," Sokka spoke up, "I'm Sokka, that's Fire Lord Zuko and that's Suki, the leader of the Kyoshi warriors. We need to speak with Aang."

The guards looked at them closely before they nodded, letting them pass. "The Avatar is in the palace."

They bent the wall and the three friends got inside. Zuko took a moment to look around the city, his eyes widening as he noticed all the slides used to transport packages back and forth to the upper part of the palace by using earthbending. He lingered behind as he took in the city but before he could marvel at its operation system Sokka asked him to follow them. Begrudgingly, he did.

They got to the palace a while later. Hardly anyone was up there save for a few guards who didn't let them in at first but Sokka handled it, and a short while later, they had been let in. Sokka led the way as Suki and Zuko fell into step behind him. Soon enough, they had reached the throne room and Zuko had gotten prepared to face King Bumi. He had heard a few stories about the powerful king who had managed to take over Omashu during the day of black sun on his own, locked in a cage of steel with only his head out to control the earth. Most of these stories, if not all, claimed he was mad, and from his brief interaction with him, Zuko too doubted his logical thinking. He got prepared to face his no doubt offhand comments that would follow their arrival as he stepped in the throne room.

Only to witness Aang and Katara sitting on the few steps by the throne, talking among themselves and eating grapes. He almost face-palmed.

"You go to Omashu and eat grapes?!"

Katara and Aang turned to face them, their eyes widening at once. Aang grinned as he let the bowl with his grapes to the side and propelled himself to his feet, walking towards them with open arms.

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