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When Homura left training that morning, she had expected she'd be able to go to her room and relax for a while before she were to start with her day. So, as any sane person would, she took her sweet time taking a bath and then slowly got dressed. Upon leaving the bathroom, though, she instantly noticed Ty Lee sitting on her bed.

She was wearing clothes similar to what she remembered her wearing a few years ago when she had attacked her and her fellow Kyoshi warriors in Azula's side, so, in other words, Ty Lee dressed in red was back. Her hair was set in a long braid and if Homura didn't know any better, she'd say she had been thrust in her past. But she did know better. Ty Lee though seemed like she hadn't changed a day since then.

"I see you decided to pay me a visit," she spoke with a slightly raised eyebrow as she took in her wide smile and the fact she was sitting on the edge of her bed, obviously excited about something. She chose to not ask what had gotten her so enthusiastic, she knew sooner or later she'd tell her herself. And she was right.

"I'm going to help you get ready and then we'll go to the market!"

"To the market, you say?" she mused as she turned to the mirror to fix her clothing - or rather Ty Lee's clothing - she smoothed down a few wrinkles on the shirt before she met her friend's eyes through the mirror. She was already walking towards her, a comb at hand. Homura sat down and let her run her hands through her damp hair before she started brushing it.

"You should get some clothes, we'll be here for a few weeks," she explained as she leaned back, enjoying her feathery touches as she combed her hair. "Suki will come too. I asked Mai but she said she has some other things to tend to."

"I see," she murmured as her eyes fell on her hands, and absentmindedly, Homura started twirling her ring around her finger. "Where's Suki now?"

"With Sokka, I didn't want to interrupt them."

"That's a wise decision, Ty Lee," she laughed as she met her eyes through the mirror. Ty Lee sent her a grin. "Can I ask you a question?"


"How come you and Mai are friends?" She frowned slightly at her question and she instantly tried to explain herself. "Not that I don't like her, or anything."

Ty Lee held her eyes for a moment before she nodded. "We were together in school and we get along well. Mai's a good person, you know."

"I don't doubt it, I'm sure she is," she rushed to assure her. "It's just that she seems so intimidating, you know, I don't know if we could ever get along."

"Well, she can be intimidating," she admitted and Homura hummed her agreement as Ty Lee finished brushing her hair and wordlessly reached forward, taking the front strands of her hair and pulling it back. "Once you get past that, though, she's really nice."

Homura took Ty Lee's word for it as she hummed, watching her work for a while longer before she admired the outcome. Her hair was now pulled back, away from her face, falling to her waist, the traditional bun all Fire Nation citizens wore in place. She looked at her reflection closely - pale skin, dark hair, eyes that appeared to be on fire if someone paid close attention - for the first time in years, she thought she looked like her mother. The thought brought her to freeze but for Ty Lee's sake, she forced herself to hide her discomfort.

"Thank you, Ty Lee," she smiled over at her as she took a step back, allowing her to stand up. She did. "Now let's get Suki and get out of here."

Ty Lee squealed. "This is going to be so exciting! I haven't been out for shopping ever since I ran away from home!"

Homura chuckled at her enthusiasm and let her skip along out of the room before following after her, closing the door behind her on her way. Ty Lee was already knocking on Suki's door when she got out in the corridor. She walked towards her just as Suki opened the door, a wide smile on her lips as she peeked out at them. Her eyes took in Homura's form briefly and she could swear her smile widened just a little before she turned to Ty Lee once more.

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