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Life in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se continued without a disruption of peace. Homura continued working at Iroh's tea shop and at the house next to her own, Jianji was finally taking her life into her own hands and little Chin was starting to realise that perhaps he could actually become rich in the future. These last few days he appeared to truly be happy and at his joy, Homura couldn't help but be happy as well. And it had all happened because of Iroh.

To express her gratitude for all Iroh did for her and Chin's family, she decided to invite the old man over for dinner a few hours after work. She cleaned her house and cooked as quickly as she could, a meal she had gotten used to eating at Kyoshi island. She also brewed him tea, and by the time he had knocked on her door, everything was ready. Homura rushed to open the door for him.

"Welcome, sir," she smiled as she let him in.

Iroh smiled back as he got inside, his eyes taking in the room before he headed to the kitchen. She closed the front door just as she heard him chuckle. As she followed him in the kitchen, she saw him already taking a seat at the table she had set a few minutes ago, his eyes on the cup of tea she had gotten ready for him. He slowly raised it to his lips and took a sip. Then, he smiled.

"It's jasmine, isn't it?"

She took the seat opposite him as she nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Please call me Iroh, 'sir' makes me feel old," he mused as he took yet another sip, his eyes twinkling as he looked at her over the table. "You said this is the first time you're brewing tea?"

She nodded, "That's true."

"You're rather good at it," he complimented as he set his cup down. "When my nephew tried to make me some tea it was absolutely dreadful. Of course, I didn't tell him anything, he would he disappointed if he knew."

Homura couldn't help but chuckle as she leaned forward, her food forgotten as she watched the old man sitting opposite her that as she had come to realise, had a love for tea and sprouting wise phrases she didn't understand all the time. He also liked to talk about his nephew. After just a few days, she felt as if she knew his nephew almost as much as she knew her friends.

"Tell me more about your nephew, Iroh. What is he like?"

Iroh brightened at her question and instantly replied. "He's a strong and tough young man, around your age. He's absolutely dreadful at talking to ladies and brewing tea-" Homura couldn't help but laugh as Iroh took a bite from the food and let out a small hum of appreciation. "I think I'll ask you to cook more often from now on, Homura."

"It would be my pleasure," she smiled as she ate a bit as well. "What else can you tell me about your nephew?"

"He's a skilled fighter like you," he said, subtly complimenting her. She smiled in response as he continued talking. "He's had a tough childhood. His mother was forced to leave when he was young and his father was absolutely dreadful and it took him a while to find himself but he finally did and I couldn't have been more proud."

"That's something else your nephew and I have in common," she admitted softly as she turned to her food, not noticing the interest in the old man's eyes as he assessed her. "My parents were dreadful. They were extremely disappointed I wasn't a bender, claimed I was of no use to the lord they were following. My grandmother was the only one who loved me for who I was. I'm not sure if I've found myself yet."

"I think you have." She looked up at him just in time to see him smile at her. "You were a Kyoshi warrior. You helped us win the war and you helped people. Without you, there wouldn't have been peace and despite the hardships you've encountered, you've managed to choose a few things to call your own. Your ring, your sword. They are part of who you are. You've an idea of how you want to be."

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