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The parade was unlike anything Homura had ever seen. The people of the Fire Nation got out in the streets of the capital, dressed in their traditional fire nation garments, but they weren't the only ones that got out. People from all over the world had come and she noticed a group of people dressed in blue garments like the ones Sokka and Katara wore, and there was an even larger group dressed in green that depicted the earth kingdom. It was a mix of colours unlike anything she had ever seen and just a few minutes after the parade had started, Homura was in a festive mood.

"Come on," she called out as she turned to her friends, "let's join them."

Ty Lee let out a small cheer as she grabbed Suki with one hand and Homura with the other and together, they got out in the streets, even though Zuko had told them beforehand they wouldn't be part of the parade. The three Kyoshi warriors mixed with the crowd but not all that well - everyone turned to face them as they passed by, not having seen anyone like them in years - they passed by a small stage the nobles were standing at and Ty Lee sent them a grin and a wave as she spotted Mai in the front - Homura thought she saw her rolling her eyes - Kiyi standing beside Mai waved enthusiastically right back at Ty Lee and with a shared laugh, the three warriors walked on.

Not long later, music was heard. The street they had been walking at got wider and wider, ending in a large circular square, musicians in the middle. The people weren't dancing, instead moving around and gathering around the musicians, leaving space for anyone willing to dance. No one stepped forward, though. Homura stopped along with everyone else, catching sight of the nobles and the rest of her friends coming closer as she did. Ty Lee's almost jumping on the spot brought her to look over at her.

"We should dance," she whispered with a grin. Suki's eyes widened at once.

"We don't dance dressed in this uniform!"

"Twinkletoes should dance," Toph piped in from someplace behind them. Homura turned around with a smile as Aang turned to Katara.

"Will you dance with me?"

Katara smiled as she nodded despite all the dancing she had done last night, and Ty Lee cheered at once as they got in the middle of the free space. At once, they started their dance.

Homura could do nothing but watch with a smile as Aang and Katara moved around each other, dancing without touching even though their moves were in sync. The crowd around was watching their every move, clapping when either Aang or Katara performed a more impressive move. As Toph was heard cheering, Homura turned around with a grin, easily catching Zuko's eye.

"It's starting nicely," she told him and at his answering smile, her grin only widened, if that was even possible, before she turned to face Aang and Katara once more.

The rest of the celebration was as festive as the first day. There was a show with fire - Homura couldn't believe her eyes when she saw people breathing fire, even though she knew that was perfectly possible - then a circus with acrobats performed - Ty Lee's personal favourite - there was also a market and many many more. On the last day of the celebration, a play would be projected on Ember Island. As soon as they had heard, Homura and Ty Lee had insisted they went a day early so they could spend some time at the beach and then they could go to the play. Zuko, for once being at ease, hadn't protested. And so, a few days later, they were on a boat to Ember Island early in the morning so they could spend as much time as possible at the beach.

"I wish Mai could come with us too," Ty Lee said at some point as she sat beside Homura, looking at the waves. "She hardly ever relaxes."

"Mai has responsibilities, Ty Lee," Homura reminded her with a gentle smile. "Besides, I don't think she'd like the beach."

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