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The rays of the sun passed through the thin white curtains to the wooden floor of the room, shyly dancing around the space before they touched the bed and the young woman laying on it, covered by a thin white sheet. There was a peaceful expression on her face as she slept, her dark hair flowing to the side of the pillow and barely touching the mattress. She was smiling slightly in her sleep, but that smile was slowly extinguished as the rays of the sun fell on her face. Her entire face scrunched up and soon enough, her eyes fluttered open, eyes that appeared to be on fire looking around the room she was in at first in confusion before she realised where she was.

She eased back in her bed with a small yawn and then slowly pushed herself up. After weeks of sleeping on the hard floor, the bed was a nice change. She stretched before standing up. She started to change into her clothes for the day and after brushing her hair, sliding the seath of her sword behind her back and having a small breakfast, she left her home. She headed to the tea shop nearby for her first day at work, greeting Iroh the moment she got inside with a small wave.

"Good morning, Homura," he greeted, his eyes falling on the sword behind her back before he turned to face her. "Could you leave your sword behind the counter? There's a chance it'll scare the customers away."

She appeared hesitant to part with her sword, but in the end, she nodded, took off her sword and placed it behind the counter as he had asked. Iroh rewarded her with a smile before he handed her over a broom. She took it without a word and started cleaning the shop so they could get ready for the arrival of the customers. About an hour later, people started to come in, and Homura officially started her first day at work.

She took the customers' order and told Iroh, and then she carried their order over to them and that's how her day went on. As the day came to a close, a rather special customer got in the shop. It was a rather tall man with dark hair and a small beard. He was holding a sword at one hand and a board at the other. She took his order as well and let Iroh know. She presented him with his tea as soon as possible and then got back to the counter to help Iroh with anything he needed her to. As the shop closed, the customer with the sword didn't leave. Instead, he stayed in his seat and placed the board on the table. Homura instantly realised it was a Pai Sho board. Before she could examine the customer more, Iroh got out.

"Could you please clean the shop, Homura?" he asked with a small smile as he gestured to the customer. "There's a game of Pai Sho waiting for me."

She nodded at once as she got in the back of the shop to wash the cups of tea. When she got out with a broom at hand to clean the shop, the two men had yet to stop playing. She didn't bother them as she cleaned around the room, making sure to be quiet so she wouldn't disrupt their conversation. Eventually, they finished their game and gathered the pieces, the customer taking his Pai Sho board. They bowed at each other and then, the customer turned his attention on the back of the counter, a few ways beside Homura. She followed his eyes to see him looking at her sword that during the day had fallen on the floor, the hilt now visible.

Homura rushed to pick up her sword and hide it from view once more, afraid he would be upset about seeing it. But the customer didn't seem to be upset. If anything, he seemed more intrigued than anything else. He walked closer to the counter and approached Homura while Iroh stood behind, watching them. Homura didn't dare breathe as he stopped right in front of her. He sent her a small smile.

"May I take a look at your sword?"

Her eyes widened and she nodded as she took her sword out and handed it over to him. He examined it closely, his eyes sliding along the blade in an appreciative manner before he handed the sword back to her. She put it back in its seath.

"Did you forge your sword on your own?"

She could feel Iroh's eyes on her as she nodded, "I did."

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