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For the while left before Homura was about to part from her friends, she tried to be around them for as long as possible. Sokka's jokes seemed even funnier than usual and she was rather amused with Toph's random comments here and there. In the end, even though it had been her wish to remain back in the Fire Nation capital, she was hesitant to see them all go. There was nothing she could do about it, though, and before she had realised it, the morning they were about to leave had come.

She started her day as she usually did, heading to the training grounds with her sword at hand. There was no one there as she started with her usual exercises and then carried on, fighting an invisible enemy with her sword. She ducked and twirled and pushed forward when from the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of a figure.

Suki stood a short ways away, her eyes trained on her form as she trained, dressed in her Kyoshi warrior armour. She had placed her fans by her side and was watching Homura, waiting for her presence to be acknowledged. The moment she realised she had her attention, she took a few steps forward, came to stand opposite her and raised her fists in front of her face in a defensive stance. No words needed to be exchanged as Homura placed her sword a few ways away and tied her hair up and away from her face before turning to face her once more. She mimicked her position. Suki attacked first.

She kicked her, aiming for her ribs. Homura blocked her kick, taking a few rapid steps forward as she threw two punches in a close sequence - Suki had to lean away to not get hit - then she kicked her. Suki moved closer, rendering her kick ineffective as she threw a quick punch at her ribs. Homura grunted as she blocked Suki's next kick.

Each of Suki's punches were getting stronger the more they fought and she was forced to evade her attacks and fall back. She blocked yet another hit before punching her side. Suki gasped, took a step back and kicked. The force of her kick forced Homura to take a step back to hold her position, and it was enough for Suki to rush forward and tackle her to the ground.

Her breath was knocked out of her as Suki succeeded in holding her still in seconds. Homura met her eyes. There was no use fighting back, now. She stopped resisting, let her limbs fall to the ground and leaned her head back. Suki got off of her, dusting off her armour briefly before offering her a hand. Homura took it, allowing her to help her up. In a few seconds, they were standing in the same height once more. For a while, neither of them said a word, they just looked at each other. Homura tried deciphering her emotions but with her face painted and only her eyes bare, it was incredibly difficult for her to tell what she was feeling. Suki had always been good at shielding her emotions when she wanted to. It seemed like this was one of those times.

Which was why as Suki pulled her in for a bone crushing hug, Homura found herself too stunned to reciprocate the gesture. It took her some seconds to fully register what was going on, and then, she was hugging her back in the same way, a small sigh leaving her lips without her even meaning to.

"I'm so sorry," Suki spoke up softly in her ear, making no motion to pull back just yet. "I was so caught up in what you hadn't told me I didn't realise how hard it was for you. If you hadn't told all these lies you would have never made it to Kyoshi island, you would have been a different person and I don't know if I'd like who you'd become." She pulled back and Homura let her but she didn't move away, keeping her in arms length. Suki's eyes had gotten glassy and her lips were pursed. Homura had the urge to pull her in her arms again, just so she didn't have to look at her as she spoke, not needing a reminder for all the strain she had put between them.

"I realise now it doesn't matter if you were born in the Fire Nation or not, or if your family is terrible. I became your friend because I got to know you and none of that matters. I know who you are and you never lied to me about that."

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